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Availability Everyone
Only the true lord & king of the lands can lift his burden.
Combat level 454
Hitpoints 255
Aggressive Yes
Poisonous No
Max hit 44
Weakness Crush
Attack styles
Melee (slash), Magic
Slayer info
Slayer level 1
Slayer points
Slayer XP ?
Assigned by
Combat stats
Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged
430 430 395 300 1
Aggressive stats
Stab Slash Crush Magic Ranged
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Defensive stats
Stab Slash Crush Magic Ranged
+201 +200 -10 +250 +270
Other bonuses Immunities
Monster's strength bonus Monster's ranged strength bonus Monster's attack bonus Poison Venom
+0 +0 +0 Immune Immune
Attack speed

Vet'ion is a Zamorakian skeletal champion that resides in the wilderness at the chaos dwarf encampment southeast of Lava Dragon Isle.

Vet'ion has two forms: the (purple) regular form and the (orange) enraged form. After he is defeated in his first form, he will go to his second form, which has a faster attack speed and stronger max hit.

Fight Overview

Vet'ion attacks with Melee and Magic. The Melee attacks are hard hitting, can hit from any range, and cannot be avoided. Therefore, Protect from Melee is highly recommended. Vet'ion also attacks with an AoE Magic attack, launching lightning in a 3×3 radius around each player upon attacking. This attack can be avoided by moving to a tile that is at least 2 tiles away from any lightning strike. Standing on a tile next to a lightning strike will still deal damage to the player.

Vet'ion is considered undead, and is therefore affected by the special effects of the Salve Amulet and Salve Amulet (e).

When Vet'ion reaches half, he will summon two level 194 Skeleton Hellhounds that attack with powerful melee. Vet'ion will be immune to damage until these are killed. When Vet'ion's first form is defeated, he will turn into the enraged form. Enraged Vet'ion will again summon the Skeleton Hellhounds once reaching half health. After the second set of hellhounds are killed, Vet'ion may finally be killed.


Vet'ion has two notable drops. The full Drop table can be found on the official Wiki Drops Page. This page will automatically update if any changes are made.

Item Notes
Ring of the Gods Ring of the Gods A ring that provides Prayer bonus.
Vet'ion Jr. Vet'ion Jr. The Pet variant of Vet'ion.

Gear setups

Vet'ion is not only a dangerous boss that can easily kill you, but also located in the wilderness. Only bring what items you are willing to lose. Prioritize a high dps weapon, such as a Whip of Chaos, and a damage reducing item, such as the Elysian Spirit Shield.

Substitute Brawling gloves (slayer) and a Slayer Helmet (i) if on a Vet'ion Slayer task. Elite Void can also be used effectively here.

The Salve Amulet (e) is highly recommended for its passive effect here.


Max Melee

Serpentine Helmet

Completionist Cape (souls)

Salve Amulet (e)

Tentacle of Chaos

Torva Platebody

Avernic Defender

Torva Platelegs

Ferocious Gloves

Steadfast Boots

'perfect ring'

Med-Level Melee

Helm of Neitiznot

Max Cape

Amulet of Fury

Chaotic Rapier

Bandos Chestplate

Dragon Defender

Bandos Tassets

Brawling Gloves (melee)

Primordial Boots

Berserker Ring (i)

Welfare Melee

Helm of Neitiznot

Fire Cape

Amulet of Glory

Abyssal Whip

Fighter Torso

Dragonfire Shield

Torags Platelegs

Barrows Gloves

Dragon Boots

Ring of Wealth

npcs/vetion.1722201155.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/28 21:12 by Iron adam