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Brawling Gloves (Brawlers)

Brawling Gloves, commonly referred to as Brawlers, are a set of experience boosting gloves that are specific to each skill. Brawling Gloves can be purchased at the Estate Agent in Varrock once you have 99 Construction. All gloves provide +30% experience in their respective skills. The have the same combat bonuses as Barrows Gloves. The gloves are untradable and do not degrade.

All Brawling Gloves cost 500m and 500pkp with the exception of Slayer Brawlers and Melee Brawlers which cost 750m and 750pkp. Due to these costs, some brawlers might not be worth the money for you. Prioritize getting brawlers for the buyable skills such as Prayer, Construction, Fletching, Smithing. Then get brawlers for the slow skills such as Hunter, Slayer, Agility, Fishing, and Cooking. Skills like Woodcutting/Firemaking and Mining/Crafting which are done at the same time on magic trees and marble don't necessarily need brawlers. If you decide to buy both, switch off using them to keep your experiences balanced to save time.

Image Skill Effects
Brawling Gloves (agility) Agility +30% Agility XP
Brawling Gloves (constr) Construction +30% Construction XP
Brawling Gloves (cooking) Cooking +30% Cooking XP
Brawling Gloves (crafting) Crafting +30% Crafting XP
Brawling Gloves (farming) Farming +30% Farming XP
Brawling Gloves (fishing) Fishing +30% Fishing XP
Brawling Gloves (fletching) Fletching +30% Fletching XP
Brawling Gloves (fm) Firemaking +30% Firemaking XP
Brawling Gloves (herblore) Herblore +30% Herblore XP
Brawling Gloves (hunter) Hunter +30% Hunter XP
Brawling Gloves (magic) Magic +30% Magic XP
Brawling Gloves (melee) Melee +30% Attack, Strength, Defence, and HP XP
Brawling Gloves (mining) Mining +30% Mining XP
Brawling Gloves (prayer) Prayer +30% Prayer XP
Brawling Gloves (ranged) Ranged +30% Ranged XP
Brawling Gloves (rc) Runecrafting +30% Runecrafting XP
Brawling Gloves (slayer) Slayer +30% Slayer XP, Extra Slayer Points
Brawling Gloves (smithing) Smithing +30% Smithing XP
Brawling Gloves (thieving) Thieving +30% Thieving XP
Brawling Gloves (wc) Woodcutting +30% Woodcutting XP

Combat Attack AttackStrength StrengthDefence DefenceHitpoints HitpointsMagic MagicRanged RangedPrayer Prayer
Gathering Woodcutting WoodcuttingMining MiningFishing FishingHunter HunterFarming Farming
Production Cooking CookingCrafting CraftingFletching FletchingHerblore HerbloreRunecrafting RunecraftingSmithing Smithing
Utility Agility AgilityConstruction ConstructionFiremaking FiremakingSlayer SlayerThieving Thieving

items/brawling_gloves.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/16 19:42 by Iron adam