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99 Cape Firemaking Cape
Players with 200M 6,625
as of 28-MAR-2024
Players with 2B 2,021
as of 28-MAR-2024

Firemaking is a skill used to light fires, among other things. It is the companion skill of Woodcutting, often trained by players simultaneously. To make a fire, players need any log and a Tinderbox. Logs are obtained by chopping down their corresponding tree. Tinderboxes can be obtained from the supply store at the ::shops teleport.

Gaining Experience

Logs Level XP
Logs Logs 1 500
Achey Logs Achey Logs 1 500
Oak Logs Oak Logs 15 1,000
Willow Logs Willow Logs 30 1,500
Teak Logs Teak Logs 35 1,700
Maple Logs Maple Logs 45 1,900
Mahogany Logs Mahogany Logs 50 1,900
Yew Logs Yew Logs 60 5000
Magic Logs Magic Logs 75 10,000

Leveling Methods

Level Range Log Type Amount
1-15 Logs 5
15-30 Oak Logs 11
30-35 Willow Logs 7
35-45 Willow Logs 24
45-60 Maple Logs 112
60-75 Yew Logs 188
75-99 Magic Logs 789
200M XP Magic Logs 18,700
2B XP Magic Logs 198,700

Useful Items

Item Effects
Brawling Gloves (fm) Brawling Gloves (fm) 30% Additional Experience and PkP
Inferno Adze Inferno Adze Automatically burns all logs received through woodcutting.
Essential for post 99 experience.

Combat Attack AttackStrength StrengthDefence DefenceHitpoints HitpointsMagic MagicRanged RangedPrayer Prayer
Gathering Woodcutting WoodcuttingMining MiningFishing FishingHunter HunterFarming Farming
Production Cooking CookingCrafting CraftingFletching FletchingHerblore HerbloreRunecrafting RunecraftingSmithing Smithing
Utility Agility AgilityConstruction ConstructionFiremaking FiremakingSlayer SlayerThieving Thieving

skills/firemaking.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/28 23:57 by Iron adam