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Add Wrath Runes

99 Cape Runecrafting Cape
Players with 200M 1,996
as of 28-MAR-2024
Players with 2B 873
as of 28-MAR-2024

Runecrafting is a skill that allows players to craft their own runes for Magic spells. Runecrafting is a fast skill to train on PkHonor due to the bank booths located at every altar. The only requirement to start Runecrafting is obtaining rune essence or pure essence. Pure essence is highly recommended as it gives 3x runes and experience. A high Agility Level is also highly recommended for unlimited Run Energy and easy passage through the Abyss.

Rune Essence can be obtained through the supply store at ::shops. Pure essence can be obtained from the Essence Mine or from PvM drops. Both the Essence Mine and Abyss can be reached by talking to the Zamorak Mage in Varrock center. Cerberus, Drakes, Wyrms, and Zulrah drop large amounts of pure essence.

The Abyss

The Abyss

The Abyss is the area through which all of the Runecrafting Altars can be reached. There is also a Lectern to craft teleport tablets here. Teleport to the abyss by talking to the Zamorak Mage in Varrock. You will be teleported into the outer ring of the Abyss, so bring an axe, pickaxe, or tinderbox to get through the obstacles. Higher Mining/Woodcutting/Firemaking/Agility/Theiving levels will allow you to pass the obstacles with a greater success rate.

Once you have entered the inner ring of the Abyss, there is a Bank, a lectern, and a rift to each of the Runecrafting Altars. At every Altar, there is a bank for you to resupply on essence.

Gaining Experience

Runecrafting Level Rune Type Base Experience
1 Air Rune Air 250
2 Mind Rune Mind 300
5 Water Rune Water 350
9 Earth Rune Earth 400
14 Fire Rune Fire 450
20 Body Rune Body 500
27 Cosmic Rune Cosmic 600
35 Chaos Rune Chaos 750
40 Astral Rune Astral 850
44 Nature Rune Nature 950
54 Law Rune Law 1,200
65 Death Rune Death 1,500
77 Blood Rune Blood 1,800
85 Soul Rune Soul 2,150
99 Home Teleport Home Teleport 2,650

Crafting Teleport tablets is another method of gaining experience. Each Tablet gives 2,650 Experience in both Runecrafting and Magic. In order to craft these you will need 99 Runecrafting, 1x Soft clay, 1x Law rune & 3x Air rune per tablet. Equip an Air Staff to save runes.

There are three lectern locations which can be used to create tablets:

  • The Abyss
  • Premium Skilling Zone
  • Player-owned Houses

Multiple Runes

When you reach higher levels you will become able to craft multiple runes out of a single rune essence. You will not get extra experience for the extra runes since it is based on the amount of rune essence used. This effect stacks with the pure essence multiplier.

Level Required for Multiplier
Rune 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x
Air Rune Air 1 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
Mind Rune Mind 2 14 28 42 56 70 84 98
Water Rune Water 5 19 38 57 76 95
Earth Rune Earth 9 26 52 78
Fire Rune Fire 14 35 70
Body Rune Body 20 46 92
Cosmic Rune Cosmic 27 59
Chaos Rune Chaos 35 74
Astral Rune Astral 40 82
Nature Rune Nature 44 91
Law Rune Law 54 95
Death Rune Death 65 99
Blood Rune Blood 77
Soul Rune Soul 85

Leveling Methods

Level Rune Pure Essence Needed
1-44 Air 84
44-65 Nature 140
65-90 Death 1092
90-99 Soul 1204
99-200M Soul 28,987
99-2B Soul 308,057

Useful Items

Item Effects
Brawling Gloves (rc) Brawling Gloves (rc) 30% Additional Experience and PkP
Giant Pouch Giant Pouch Holds an additional 12 rune essence or pure essence
Large Pouch Large Pouch Holds an additional 9 rune essence or pure essence
Medium Pouch Medium Pouch Holds an additional 6 rune essence or pure essence
Small Pouch Small Pouch Holds an additional 3 rune essence or pure essence

Combat Attack AttackStrength StrengthDefence DefenceHitpoints HitpointsMagic MagicRanged RangedPrayer Prayer
Gathering Woodcutting WoodcuttingMining MiningFishing FishingHunter HunterFarming Farming
Production Cooking CookingCrafting CraftingFletching FletchingHerblore HerbloreRunecrafting RunecraftingSmithing Smithing
Utility Agility AgilityConstruction ConstructionFiremaking FiremakingSlayer SlayerThieving Thieving

skills/runecrafting.1711671121.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/29 00:12 by Iron adam