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Juliann's Agility Guide

What is Agility?

Agility is a skill that, when trained, can really make your time here a lot easier. The higher your level goes, the slower your energy (which you use to run) will lower. At level 95 you can stay running without stopping!

Getting Started

It's recommended to do the Gnome Agility Course until level 70 Agility, then you should switch to the Wilderness Agility Course until 99.

Before you get started doing agility, there are a couple of things you should know that may help you out.

Donator+ Agility Experience raising capes:

Spotted cape:

This gives a extra 20% agility exp. It can be obtained through hunter, at level 43 hunter.

Spottier cape:

This gives a extra stunning 70% exp! It can be obtained through hunter, at level 69 hunter.

For more information on hunter, go to this guide.

Agility courses

Gnome Agility Course

Log, 1500 xp

Obstacle net 1, 7500 xp

Tree branch 1, 3000 xp

Balancing rope, 3000 xp

Tree branch 2, 2000 xp

Obstacle net 2, 400 xp

Obstacle pipe, 2000 xp

For finishing the course, you will gain an additional 15000 xp.

Werewolf Agility Course

It is located at Canifis - South east

When you get to level 60 agility, you will be able to go to the Werewolf agility course.

NOTE: To complete the course, you'll need 2 regular planks to fix the zip line, they will last for 5-10 minutes, until you have to repair them again.

Stepping Stones, 8,000 xp

Hurdles, 4,000 xp

Pipes, 6,000 xp

Skull Slope, 4,000 xp

Zip Line, 0 xp

You will gain an additional 25,000 xp for completing the course!

Giving stick (You can find it on the ground after you've went through the pipes) to Agility boss, 29,700 xp in random non-combat skill

Wilderness Agility Course

When you get to level 70 agility, you will be able to go to the wilderness agility course. Although this is great exp, it is also very dangerous, people can kill you here. So don't bring wealthy outfits!

Obstacle pipe, 12,000 xp

Ropeswing, 6000 xp

Stepping stones, 10,000 xp

Log, 12,000 xp

Rocks, 16,000 xp

You will gain an additional 50,000 xp for completing the course!

To teleport out of the Wilderness Agility course, use ::home. Also you can use a Monkey Greegree (costs 2b) to not get attacked by other players. (The Greegree morphs you into a Monkey, and you can teleport out without the command ::home)

Catching Black Warlocks

Black Warlocks can be found in the Jungle.

To get there you look into your Spellbook, click 'Skilling', 'More', 'More', 'Hunter', Talk to the Hunter Master and click 'More Hunting areas', 'Jungle/impling hunting area', go North until you encounter the Black Warlocks. You need 95 Hunter and 90 Agility to catch these and they give 75000 agility exp and 10000 hunter exp without any bonuses. Using Larupia Fur Set increases your catch rate, it's recommended to get the Larupia Fur Set before you catch the Black Warlocks.


Using Brawling Gloves (Agility) gives you additional 30% more Agility Expierence. These can be bought from Estate Agent and requires 99 Construction, 500 Pkhonor points and 365m Coins. These gloves stack with the Agility Expierence Raising Capes.

Original Guide's Owner: Juliann

Uploaded and improved by: Jonas

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skills/agility.1582749581.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/26 20:39 by Church