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Crazy Archaeologist

This page has a strategy guide here
All information on mechanics and strategy will be on that section.

Crazy Archaeologist
Crazy Archaeologist
Availability Everyone
When academics go bad…
Combat level 204
Hitpoints 225
Aggressive Yes
Poisonous No
Max hit 15
Weakness Magic
Attack styles
Slayer info
Slayer level 1
Slayer points 4
Slayer XP 27000
Assigned by
Combat stats
Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged
160 90 240 1 180
Aggressive stats
Stab Slash Crush Magic Ranged
+ +0 +0 +0 +75
Defensive stats
Stab Slash Crush Magic Ranged
+5 +5 +30 +250 +250
Other bonuses Immunities
Monster's strength bonus Monster's ranged strength bonus Monster's attack bonus Poison Venom
+25 +0 +250 Not
Attack speed

Bellock, the crazed archaeologist is an insane individual and demi-boss who resides in the ruins south of The Forgotten Cemetery. He is one of the three Wilderness bosses that drop one of three shards of the Malediction ward and Odium ward. He is the easiest demi-boss in the wilderness.

One quote is said every time Bellock attacks the player.

  • “I'm Bellock - respect me!”
  • “Get off my site!”
  • “No-one messes with Bellock's dig!”
  • “These ruins are mine!”
  • “Taste my knowledge!”
  • “You belong in a museum!”
  • “Rain of knowledge!” - when using special attack
  • “Ow!” - upon death

Ironman Mode players have the ability to spawn this boss at a summoner in the wilderness.


The Crazy Archaeologist uses Ranged and Melee attacks. He has a special attack where he throws explosive books that explode in a 3×3 area and can deal high damage, similar to the Chaos Fanatic's green magical attack. Players must run away from them to avoid damage. Despite his high Magic Defense, he has a negligible Magic level, and thus has a weakness to Magic. This is because magic resistance is calculated primarily based on one's Magic level.


Crazy Archaeologist is located at Level 22 wilderness, at the Ruins south of the forgotten cemetry in single combat area. The fastest way to get there is by using the God Wars teleport in the monster teleports on any spellbook.


Ultra rare

Malediction shard 2
Very rare

Odium shard 2
Very rare

Item Amount Rarity
Notable drops
Fedora 1 Ultra rare
Odium shard 2 1 Very rare
Malediction shard 2 1 Very rare
Other drops
Ancient repair kit 1 Ultra rare
Avantoe 80 Rare
Blood rune 200 Uncommon
Blood rune 1,000 Rare
Blood rune 2,000 Very rare
Cadantine 80 Rare
Cannonball 10 Common
Cannonball 100 Common
Cannonball 200 Common
Cannonball 500 Uncommon
Cannonball 1,000 Rare
Cannonball 2,000 Very rare
Chaos rune 200 Uncommon
Chaos rune 1,000 Rare
Chaos rune 2,000 Very rare
Coal 100 Common
Coal 150 Rare
Coal 300 Very rare
Coins 200,000 Common
Coins 300,000 Common
Coins 400,000 Common
Coins 500,000 Uncommon
Coins 2,000,000 Rare
Coins 5,000,000 Rare
Coins 10,000,000 Very rare
Coins 50,000,000 Ultra rare
Dark fishing bait 200 Rare
Death rune 200 Uncommon
Death rune 1,000 Rare
Death rune 2,000 Very rare
Dragon arrow 20 Uncommon
Dragon arrow 100 Very rare
Dragon boots 1 Very rare
Dragon dart(p++) 30 Very rare
Dragon dart(p++) 50 Ultra rare
Dragon dart(p++) 100 Ultra rare
Dragon med helm 1 Very rare
Dwarf weed 20 Very rare
Dwarf weed 60 Rare
Dwarf weed 500 Ultra rare
Ecumenical key 1 Very rare
Gold ore 10 Very rare
Gold ore 50 Very rare
Gold ore 100 Ultra rare
Gold ore 300 Ultra rare
Kwuarm 80 Rare
Lantadyme 80 Rare
Long bone 1 Rare
Loop half of key 1 Very rare
Mahogany logs 20 Rare
Mahogany logs 50 Very rare
Onyx bolt tips 10 Very rare
Onyx bolt tips 100 Ultra rare
Ranarr seed 1 Rare
Ranarr weed 80 Very rare
Raw rocktail 10 Common
Raw rocktail 20 Rare
Raw shark 20 Rare
Raw shark 50 Very rare
Raw shark 200 Ultra rare
Red dragonhide 50 Rare
Red dragonhide 100 Rare
Rune battleaxe 1 Very rare
Rune boots 1 Ultra rare
Rune full helm 1 Rare
Rune knife 50 Rare
Rune knife 60 Very rare
Rune knife 120 Ultra rare
Rune knife 500 Uncommon
Rune plateskirt 1 Rare
Rune scimitar 1 Uncommon
Rune warhammer 1 Rare
Saradomin brew(4) 1 Common
Saradomin brew(4) 10 Rare
Saradomin brew(4) 20 Rare
Snapdragon 80 Rare
Snapdragon seed 1 Rare
Soul rune 200 Uncommon
Soul rune 1,000 Rare
Soul rune 2,000 Very rare
Super prayer(4) 1 Common
Super prayer(4) 2 Uncommon
Super prayer(4) 5 Rare
Super prayer(4) 10 Ultra rare
Super prayer(4) 15 Ultra rare
Super restore(4) 1 Common
Super restore(4) 20 Uncommon
Super restore(4) 50 Ultra rare
Superantipoison(4) 1 Uncommon
Superantipoison(4) 10 Rare
Superantipoison(4) 50
Toadflax 80 Rare
Tooth half of key 1 Very rare
Torstol 50 Very rare
Uncut diamond 1 Rare
Uncut dragonstone 1 Very rare
Uncut onyx 1 Ultra rare
Yew roots 200 Rare

Guide to killing the Crazy Archaeologist


It is recommended to use Melee armour with high Ranged Defence armour while using a weapon with good accuracy while praying range and avoiding his special attack of explosive books as soon as he says, “Rain of knowledge!” The best way to avoid it is by keeping a considerable distance, and running towards him until you are two squares away from it (this way, you will avoid Melee damage), and repeating the same steps over and over, you will minimize the chance of receiving damage.


It is very important to note that with any of these setups, you will be risking all but 3 or 4 items while in the wilderness. Only take items that you are willing to lose! That being said, this guide will provide high, medium, and low tier items for each slot and each setup. It is up to each player to chose what he or she is willing to risk! If you are on a slayer task, a slayer helm should be used.

You should always bring at least a few super restores into the wilderness when PvM'ing. Super Prayer potions do not restore stats, and Overloads do not work in PvP. If a PK'er attacks you, and Saradomin Brews are your only means of healing, your stats will all be reduced. When your magic level is reduced, the PK'er will land every single freeze/entangle.

For this setup you'll be getting a lot of drops quickly, so you don't have to bring as much supplies as you would need with any other wilderness boss.

Melee Gear Setup


Serpentine helmet

Completionist cape

Salve amulet (e)

Tentacle of Souls

Torva platebody

Dragon defender

Torva platelegs

Barrows gloves

Steadfast boots

Berserker ring (i)

Void melee helm

Max cape

Amulet of fury

Chaotic Rapier

Void knight top

Elysian spirit shield

Void knight robe

Void knight gloves

Dragon boots

Berserker ring

Helm of neitiznot

Ava's accumulator

Amulet of Glory (4)

Abyssal whip

Torag's platebody

Dragonfire shield

Torag's platelegs

Dragon gloves

Rune boots

Ring of wealth (4)

Slot High → Low
Serpentine helmet Void melee helm Helm of neitiznot
Salve amulet (e) Amulet of fury Amulet of glory (4)
Torva platebody Void knight top Torag's platebody
Torva platelegs Void knight robe Torag's platelegs
Steadfast boots Dragon boots Rune boots
Completionist cape (enchanted) Max cape Fire cape
Dragon defender Elysian spirit shield Dragonfire shield
Barrows gloves/Brawlers Void knight gloves Dragon gloves
Berserker ring (i) Berserker ring Ring of wealth (4)
Tentacle of Chaos/Souls Chaotic rapier Abyssal whip


Amulet of Glory (4)

Overload (4)

Super Restore (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

  • Amulet of Glory (4) x 1
  • Overload (4) x 1
  • Super Restore (4) x 1-3 (Depending what tier gear you're wearing)
  • Saradomin Brew (4) x 2-6 (Depending what tier gear you're wearing)
Ranged Gear Setup


Serpentine helmet

Completionist Cape

Salve Amulet (e)

Toxic blowpipe

Pernix body

Pernix chaps

Barrows gloves

Glaiven boots

Archers ring (i)

Void Range Helm

Max Cape

Amulet of fury

Dragon bolts (e)1000

Armadyl crossbow

Void knight top

Elysian spirit shield

Void knight robe

Void knight gloves

Ranger boots

Archers ring

Helm of neitiznot

Ava's accumulator

Amulet of Glory (4)

Dragon bolts (e)1000

Rune crossbow

Black d'hide body

Dragonfire shield

Black d'hide chaps

Dragon gloves

Climbing boots

Ring of wealth (4)

Slot High → Low
Serpentine helmet Void range helm Helm of neitiznot
Salve amulet (e) Amulet of fury Amulet of glory (4)
Pernix body Void knight top Black d'hide body
Pernix chaps Void knight robe Black d'hide chaps
Glaiven boots Ranger boots Climbing boots
Completionist cape (Enchanted) Max cape Ava's ccumulator
Elysian spirit shield Dragonfire shield
Barrows gloves/Brawlers Void knight gloves Dragon gloves
Archers ring (i) Archers ring Ring of wealth (4)
Toxic blowpipe Armadyl crossbow Rune crossbow
Dragon dart(p++) Dragon bolts (e) Dragon bolts (e)


Amulet of Glory (4)

Overload (4)

Super Restore (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

  • Amulet of Glory (4) x 1
  • Overload (4) x 1
  • Super Restore (4) x 1-3 (Depending what tier gear you're wearing)
  • Saradomin Brew (4) x 2-6 (Depending what tier gear you're wearing)
Wilderness bosses and rewards
Bosses CallistoChaos ElementalChaos FanaticCrazy archaeologistKing Black DragonScorpia
Other Monsters Green dragonLava dragonLost SoulMithril dragonRevenant
Rewards Shields Malediction ward Malediction ward • Odium ward Shard 1 • Malediction shard 2 Shard 2 • Malediction shard 3 Shard 3
Odium ward Odium ward • Odium Shard 1 Shard 1 • Odium Shard 2 Shard 2 • Odium shard 3 Shard 3
Jewelry Salve amulet Salve amuletRing of the gods Ring of the gods • Treasonous ring Treasonous ring • Tyrannical ring Tyrannical ring
Boss pets Prince black dragon Prince black dragon • Chaos Elemental Jr. Chaos Elemental Jr. • Callisto cub Callisto cub • Venenatis jr. Venenatis jr.
Vet'ion jr. Vet'ion jr. • Scorpia's offspring Scorpia's offspring • Baby WildyWyrm Baby WildyWyrm
Weapons & Gear Vesta's spear Vesta's spearVesta's longsword Vesta's longswordVesta's chainbody Vesta's chainbodyVesta's plateskirt Vesta's plateskirt
Statius's warhammer Statius's warhammerStatius's full helm Statius's full helmStatius's platebody Statius's platebodyStatius's platelegs Statius's platelegs
Zuriel's staff Zuriel's staffZuriel's hood Zuriel's hoodZuriel's robe top Zuriel's robe topZuriel's robe bottom Zuriel's robe bottom
Morrigan's coif Morrigan's coifMorrigan's leather body Morrigan's leather bodyMorrigan's leather chaps Morrigan's leather chaps
Other Fedora Fedora • Dragon pickaxe Dragon pickaxe • Ecumenical key Ecumenical keyAncient repair kit Ancient Repair Kit
Blood diamond Blood diamondIce diamond Ice diamondShadow diamond Shadow diamondSmoke diamond Smoke diamond

npcs/crazy_archaeologist.1549968609.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/12 10:50 by Rapsey