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Tzhaar Fight Caves

TzHaar Fight Cave
Donator/Premium? No, only for skipping waves :!:
Location Minigame teleport → Tzhaar fight cave
Rewards  Fire cape
Fire cape
You will not lose your items on death

This page has a strategy guide here
All information on mechanics and strategy will be in that section.

The TzHaar Fight Cave is a safe combat minigame, where the objective is to survive 63 Waves of Tzhaar Cave's Monsters and defeat the final boss, Tztok-Jad (Level-702). Once you complete the minigame, you're rewarded with 1000 tokkul, Barrows gloves and most importantly: a Firecape.


When you die halfway through the minigame, there will be no rewards. Only when the Fight Caves is completed, the player will be rewarded with the three items above.

On completion of the minigame, there's also a chance at receiving:


How do I get to the Fight Caves?

Equipment And Inventory


Helmet: Full slayer helmet > Virtus mask > Ahrim's hood > Farseer helm

Amulet: Occult necklace > Arcane stream necklace > Amulet of fury > Amulet of glory

Body: Virtus robe top > Ahrims robetop

Legs: Virtus robe legs > Ahrims robeskirt

Boots: Ragefire boots > Infinity boots

Gloves: Brawling gloves, Gloves [Barrow] > Infinity Gloves > Gloves [Dragon]

Cape: Completionist Cape > Max Cape > God cape (Zamorak, Guthix, Saradomin)

Ring: Seers ring (i) > Seers ring > Ring of Recoil

Shield: Arcane spirit shield > Divine spirit shield > Farseer kiteshield > Mages' book > unholy book

Weapon: Chaotic Staff > Staff of life > Master wand > And the best one of all the Air staff.


Helmet: Full slayer helmet* > Torva full helm > Helm of Neitiznot > Verac's helm > Berserker helm

Amulet: Amulet of fury > Amulet of glory > Amulet of strength

Body: Torva platebody > Bandos chestplate > Torag's platebody > Other high defence platebodies

Legs: Torva platelegs > Bandos tassets > Verac's plateskirt > Other high defence platelegs

Boots: Steadfast boots > Dragon boots > Bandos boots

Gloves: Brawling gloves > Gloves [barrow] > Gloves [dragon]

Cape: Completionist Cape > Max Cape > Fire cape > Trimmed skillcapes

Ring: Berserker ring (i) > Berserker ring

Shield: Divine spirit shield > Dragon defender > Dragonfire shield

Weapon: Chaos whip > Unholy whip > Abyssal Whip > Dragon Scimitar > Or if you have the cash a Godly iron scimitar

Special Weapon: Dragon claws > Armadly godsword > Saradomin godsword


Helmet: Void ranger helm > Full slayer helmet > Pernix cowl > Armadyl helmet > Archer helm

Amulet: Amulet of fury > Amulet of ranging > Amulet of glory

Body: void knight Top > Pernix body > Armadyl chestplate > Black d'hide body

Legs: Void knight Robe > Pernix chaps > Armadyl chainskirt > Black d'hide chaps

Boots: Ranger boots > Snakeskin boots

Gloves: Void knight gloves > Gloves [barrows]

Cape: Completionist Cape > Max Cape > Ava's accumalator > fire cape

Ring: Archer's ring (i) > Archer's ring

Shield: (If using a one-handed weapon) Divine spirit shield > Eagle eye kiteshield > blessed spirit shield > unholy book

Weapon: Hand cannon > Chaotic crossbow > Rune crossbow > Karil's crossbow >

Ammo: Hand cannon shot OR Bolt racks OR Broad-tipped bolts with Diamond bolts (e) (depending on your weapon)

Fighting Each Creature

Tz-Kih (Level-22)

Priority Level: 2

Prayer: N/A

Side-Note: N/A

Tz-Kek (Level-45)

Priority Level: 3

Prayer: N/A

Side-Note: Known to hit the odd amount of damage. Level 45s will spawn into the waves. Upon their death they'll spawn 2 level 22s.

Tok-Xil (level 90)

Priority Level: 5

Prayer: Piety/Turmoil (Phase One&Two)

Side-Note: In the first Phase of the Fight Caves (See “the Waves” for phases etc.) you can pray ranged to avoid taking unnessesary damage. This monster can become a bigger threat in the second phase, and should always be killed first.

Yt-MejKot (level-180)

Priority Level: 4

Prayers: Piety/Turmoil, Protect from Melee (Phase one)

Side-Note: This NPC becomes a huge threat in phase 2, however you're forced to pray mage throughout the second phase so you'll have to keep your hit points up. You can alternately either trap Yt-MejKot behind the level 360s (if applicable to the wave you are on), or on Italy rock to provide a safe spot. This is also one of two monsters that's recommended for use of the Saradomin Godsword Special, or Soul Split whilst safespotting.

Ket-Zek (Level-360)

Priority Level: 1

Prayers: Protect from Magic(Phase 2), Piety/Turmoil(Phase 2)

Side-Note: This can be the strongest NPC in the fight caves (Besides Jad of course) if you don't protect from magic. This monster can hit constant 40s with his magical attacks, so be sure to protect magic throughout the entire second phase! This monster is also one of 2 monsters recommended for use of the Saradomin godsword spec.

The Waves

Phase 1

Wave 1: 22

Wave 2: 22, 22

Wave 3: 45

Wave 4: 45, 22

Wave 5: 45, 22, 22

Wave 6: 45, 45

Wave 7: 90

Wave 8: 90, 22

Wave 9: 90, 22, 22

Wave 10: 90, 45

Wave 11: 90, 45, 22

Wave 12: 90, 45, 22, 22

Wave 13: 90, 45, 45

Wave 14: 90, 90

Wave 15: 180

Wave 16: 180, 22

Wave 17: 180, 22, 22

Wave 18: 180, 45

Wave 19: 180, 45, 22

Wave 20: 180, 45, 22, 22

Wave 21: 180, 45, 45

Wave 22: 180, 90

Wave 23: 180, 90, 22

Wave 24: 180, 90, 22, 22

Wave 25: 180, 90, 45

Wave 26: 180, 90, 45, 22

Wave 27: 180, 90, 45, 22, 22

Wave 28: 180, 90, 45, 45

Wave 29: 180, 90, 90

Wave 30: 180, 180

Phase 2: Protect from Magic for the rest of the fight pits!

Wave 31: 360

Wave 32: 360, 22

Wave 33: 360, 22, 22

Wave 34: 360, 45

Wave 35: 360, 45, 22

Wave 36: 360, 45, 22, 22

Wave 37: 360, 45, 45

Wave 38: 360, 90

Wave 39: 360, 90, 22

Wave 40: 360, 90, 22, 22

Wave 41: 360, 90, 45

Wave 42: 360, 90, 45, 22

Wave 43: 360, 90, 45, 22, 22

Wave 44: 360, 90, 45, 45

Wave 45: 360, 90, 90

Wave 46: 360, 180

Wave 47: 360, 180, 22

Wave 48: 360, 180, 22, 22

Wave 49: 360, 180, 45

Wave 50: 360, 180, 45, 22

Wave 51: 360, 180, 45, 22, 22

Wave 52: 360, 180, 45, 45

Wave 53: 360, 180, 90

Wave 54: 360, 180, 90, 22

Wave 55: 360, 180, 90, 22, 22

Wave 56: 360, 180, 90, 45

Wave 57: 360, 180, 90, 45, 22

Wave 58: 360, 180, 90, 45, 22, 22

Wave 59: 360, 180, 90, 45, 45

Wave 60: 360, 180, 90, 90

Wave 61: 360, 180, 180

Wave 62: 360, 360

Wave 63: 702, (108, 108, 108, 108)

Note: You can check your wave progress anytime by typing ::Tz

Note 2: You can figure out the best order of killing the monsters inside of the fight caves by checking their priority level in “Fighting each monster”. The higher the priority level, the sooner you should kill that monster, while you save the monster with the lowest priority level for last.

Look out, here comes Tztok-Jad!

Tztok-Jad (Level-702)

Priority Level: 6

Prayer: The Protection prayer to be used will be displayed in your chat box.

Side-Note: This is the last monster in the fight caves. When you've killed him half way, 4 Yt-HurKots to come and heal him repeatedly - the player must deal with them whilst warding off TzTok-Jad's attacks. Once killed, the healers will not re-spawn.

Congratulations! You've succesfully survived all of the 63 Waves and obtained your Fire Cape!

Original Guide's Owner: Kidz

Credits for Equipment and Inventory setups to: Swee

Uploaded to the Wiki by: Jonas