Slayer Points

Slayer points are obtained through the Slayer skill and can be used to unlock Slayer Perks and buy items from the slayer shop.

This guide will outline the three best methods for obtaining slayer points. You are not able to keep a slayer streak for any of these methods, but it is well worth it in the long-run. The benefits you get from amassing a large amount of slayer points far outweighs the benefits of a slayer streak in the early and mid-game of an account.

With each of these 3 methods, there are several items and Slayer Perks you should prioritize unlocking in order to increase the amount of Slayer Points you earn.

Item Notes
Slayer Ring (eternal) Slayer Ring (eternal) Increases slayer points and xp per kill
Brawling Gloves (Slayer) Brawling Gloves (slayer) Increases slayer points and xp per kill
Bracelet of Slaughter Bracelet of Slaughter Increases task length
Bracelet of Slaughter (b) Bracelet of Slaughter(b) Combines perks of Brawling Gloves (slayer) and Bracelet of Slaughter


Perks should be unlocked in the following order for overall account efficiency:

After unlocking these perks, you can pick whichever ones you want.

Method #1 - Dust Devil Skipping

Dust Devil skipping is the best method for early game slayer points in every single way. This method allows the player to train either Magic or Ranged in the most efficient way, while also obtaining massive amounts of slayer points. This is also the best method for obtaining Brimstone Keys

Repeat these steps over and over. You can extend tasks if you wish. It is better to complete a task first and then extend, as this will provide the task completion bonus twice.


Magic Setups

Max Mage

Virtus Mask

Completionist Cape (Magic)

Occult Necklace

Toxic staff of the dead

Virtus robe top

Arcane spirit shield

Virturs robe legs

Bracelet of Slaughter (b)

Eternal boots

Slayer Ring (eternal)

Med-Level Mage

Zamorak Halo

Max cape

Arcane Stream Necklace

Staff of light

Ahrim's robetop

Malediction ward

Ahrim's robeskirt

Brawling Gloves (Slayer)

Infinity boots

Seers ring

Welfare Mage

Infinity Hood

Saradomin cape

Amulet of Fury

Ancient staff

Mystic robe top

Mage's book

Mystic robe bottom

Barrows gloves

Mystic boots

Ring of wealth (4)

Overload (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Royal Seed Pod


Whip of Fortune

Imbued Heart

Blood Rune16000

Death Rune16000

Soul Rune4000

Overload (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Royal Seed Pod


Imbued Heart

Blood Rune16000

Death Rune16000

Soul Rune4000

Overload (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Royal Seed Pod

Manta Ray

Manta Ray

Manta Ray


Manta Ray

Manta Ray

Manta Ray

Blood Rune16000

Death Rune16000

Soul Rune4000

Ranged Setups

Max Ranged

Pernix Cowl

Completionist Cape (chaos)

Salve Amulet (e)

Black Chinchompa6969

Pernix Body

Dragonfire Ward

Pernix Chaps

Bracelet of Slaughter (b)

Pegasian Boots

Slayer Ring (eternal)

Med-Level Ranged

Armadyl Helmet

Max Cape

Amulet of Ranging

Red Chinchompa6969

Armadyl Chestplate

Odium Ward

Armadyl Chainskirt

Brawling Gloves (ranged)

Glaiven Boots

Archers Ring (i)

Welfare Ranged

Archer's Helm

Ava's Accumulator

Amulet of Fury

Red Chinchompa6969

Black D'hide Body

Odium Ward

Black D'hide Chaps

Barrows Gloves

Ranger Boots

Archers Ring

Overload (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Royal Seed Pod


Whip of Fortune

Overload (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Royal Seed Pod


Overload (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Super Prayer (4)

Royal Seed Pod

Manta Ray

Manta Ray

Manta Ray


Manta Ray

Manta Ray

Manta Ray

Method #2 - Zombie Minigame Skipping

Zombie minigame skipping is the best afk and 100% safe method for slayer points. However, it requires completion of The Last Journey quest. The concept is the same as Dust Devil skipping:

For this strategy, you should use your best melee gear and a Salve Amulet (e). Pray Protect from Melee, go afk, and watch the points come rolling in.

Zombie Minigame - Gear and Strategies.

Method #3 - Jad Skipping

This method involves the same concept as the previous two.

For this method, it is important that you only do the 1x Jad tasks. If you get a 2x Jad task, skip it. The main points from Jad come from the task completion bonus. Do not extend these tasks either. You can try for a B2B 1x Jad task by extending AFTER you complete the first 1x task, but this is not a guarantee.

This method becomes very fast points if you use one of the 3 available methods to skip waves in the Fight Caves.
