Availability Everyone
Its a Wildywyrm.
Combat level 382
Hitpoints 3000
Aggressive Yes
Poisonous No
Max hit 35
Weakness Unknown
Attack styles
Slayer info
Slayer level 1
Slayer points 50
Slayer XP 360,000
Assigned by
Combat stats
Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged
? ? ? ? ?
Aggressive stats
Stab Slash Crush Magic Ranged
+? +? +? +? +?
Defensive stats
Stab Slash Crush Magic Ranged
+? +? +? +? +?
Other bonuses Immunities
Monster's strength bonus Monster's ranged strength bonus Monster's attack bonus Poison Venom
+? +? +? Immune Immune
Attack speed

The Wildywyrm is a large, lurking monsters that inhabits the Wilderness. It is related to the other strykewyrms that inhabit Geilinor. Up to 3 Wildywyrms will be active in the wilderness at a time.

Fight overview

The Wildywyrm attacks with all 3 combat styles and is capable of hitting up to 35 with each attack style. All 3 styles can hit the player from any distance within the Wildywyrms range.

Fight Technique

It is recommended to kill the WildyWyrm with either Melee or Range. Pray Protect/Deflect from Magic or Soulsplit depending on your gear and preference.


The Wildywyrm is most often killed for PkHonor Points and Pest Control Points. The amount of points received depends on your account status. Donators and Premium Donators receive more than regular accounts.

If killing the Wildywyrm in a group, points will be distributed evenly between the players who attacked the WildyWyrm. These points are scaled according to your donator status. For Example, if 3 players kill a Wildywyrm, then a regular player will receive 33 PkHonor Points and a Premium Donator will receive 50 PkHonor Points.

Status PkHonor Points Pest Control Points
Ironman Hardcore Ironman Ultimate Ironman Regular 100 25
Donator Donator Ironman Donator Hardcore Ironman Donator Ultimate Ironman Donator 125 37
Premium Premium Ironman Premium Hardcore Ironman Premium Ultimate Ironman Premium 150 50

In addition to PkHonor Points and Pest Control Points, the Wildywyrm has several notable drops. The full Drop table can be found on the official Wiki Drops Page. This page will automatically update if any changes are made.

Item Notes
Baby WildyWyrm Baby WildyWyrm Pet variant of the Wildywyrm. Provides +20% PkP and PCP from the Wildywyrm.
Blood diamond Blood diamond One of Four Diamonds used to make the 'perfect ring'
Mysterious emblem (tier 1) Mysterious emblem (tier 1) Mysterious Emblems are used in the Bounty Hunter Minigame.


The Wildywyrm is located in many different locations throughout the wilderness. A Wildywyrm Clue Scroll can be obtained from Death in Edgeville. Once you read the WildyWyrm Clue Scroll it will open an interface with three clues listed. A Wildywyrm will be located at each of these three locations.

If a player has completed the PvM Wilderness Achievements, the scroll can be used to teleport directly to the next Wildywyrm. This teleport only works if below level 20 Wilderness.

This Map of the wilderness shows all Wildywyrm locations along with the closest Teleports.

Wildywyrm Locations

PVP Teleports (Red):
A: Green Dragons
B: Black Chinchompas
C: Mage Bank
D: Wilderness Agility Course
E: King Black Dragon (Monsters Teleport)

WildyWyrm Location Clues (Blue):


  • Arr! Them Be Pirates!
  • One Of The Most Useless Anvils


  • These Can Be Used To Travel Quickly (Check all Obelisk Locations)


  • So Many Spiders! Though They Don't Seem Dangerous


  • Nice Demon
  • 3 Strange Drawings On The Floor In A Ruin


  • So High! You Can See Both The Wall And The Sea!
  • Here the great wall ends.


  • Ruins At The Edge Of The Map


  • A Temple Devoted To Zamorak


  • Just 2 Dragons Walking About


  • A Pool of Water Making The Whole Area Green


  • These Campfires Should Keep You Warm
  • A great, desolate place, with some Campfires.


  • 7 Smoking Lava Chimneys


  • Mithril dragons in the forest


  • Maybe Not The Best Spot To Go Fishing


  • May They Rest In Piece
  • So Many Graves!


  • Big, Red And Deadly


  • A Dog Would Be In Heaven Here
  • I Wonder How Many Died To Fill This Yard


  • This Must Have Been A Village…Once
  • One of the most useless anvils


  • I Bet You Can Drink That Water, But Only Once
  • These Fish Can't Be Healthy


  • Braaaaaaaaaaaains!
  • Undead Walking Against The Dead
  • Walkers!


  • So Many Dragons And You Can't Even Teleport


  • Seems Like He's Guarding This Bridge…
  • You Shall Not Pass!


  • Torches Light This Path To The Camp Past Lava
  • I wouldn't camp north of this fortress.


  • An Altar Devoted To Zamorak

Gear Setup

The Wildywyrm is a dangerous NPC located in the wilderness. Only bring gear that you are willing to lose.

Substitute Brawling gloves (slayer) and a Slayer Helmet (i) if on a Wildywyrm Slayer task. Elite Void can also be used effectively here.


Max Melee

Serpentine Helmet

Completionist Cape (souls)

Salve Amulet (e)

Tentacle of Chaos

Torva Platebody

Avernic Defender

Torva Platelegs

Ferocious Gloves

Steadfast Boots

'perfect ring'

Med-Level Melee

Helm of Neitiznot

Max Cape

Amulet of Fury

Chaotic Rapier

Bandos Chestplate

Dragon Defender

Bandos Tassets

Brawling Gloves (melee)

Primordial Boots

Berserker Ring (i)

Welfare Melee

Helm of Neitiznot

Fire Cape

Amulet of Glory

Abyssal Whip

Fighter Torso

Dragonfire Shield

Torags Platelegs

Barrows Gloves

Dragon Boots

Ring of Wealth

Saradomin Brew (4)

Overload (4)

Overload (4)

Home Teleport10

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

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Super Prayer Potion (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)




Home Teleport10

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Overload (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

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Super Prayer Potion (4)

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Super Prayer Potion (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)




Home Teleport10




Overload (4)




Super Prayer Potion (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

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Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)


Max Ranged

Pernix Cowl

Completionist Cape (souls)

Salve Amulet (e)

Diamond Dragon Bolts (e)500

Toxic Blowpipe

Pernix Body

Pernix Chaps

Brawling Gloves (ranged)

Pegasian Boots

'perfect ring'

Med-Level Ranged

Armadyl Helmet

Max Cape

Amulet of Ranging

Diamond Dragon Bolts (e)500

Armadyl Crossbow

Armadyl Chestplate

Elysian Spirit Shield

Armadyl Chainskirt

Brawling Gloves (ranged)

Glaiven Boots

Archers Ring (i)

Welfare Ranged

Archer's Helm

Ava's Accumulator

Amulet of Fury

Diamond Bolts (e)500

Rune Crossbow

Black D'hide Body

Odium Ward

Black D'hide Chaps

Barrows Gloves

Ranger Boots

Archers Ring

Saradomin Brew (4)

Overload (4)

Overload (4)

Home Teleport10

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

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Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)




Home Teleport10

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Overload (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

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Super Prayer Potion (4)




Home Teleport10




Overload (4)




Super Prayer Potion (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

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Super Prayer Potion (4)

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