Kalphite Queen
Kalphite Queen
Availability Everyone
I don't think insect repellent will work…
Combat level 333
Hitpoints 255
Aggressive Yes
Poisonous No
Max hit 31 (All styles)
Weakness Crush, Keris
Attack styles
Melee (stab), Ranged, Magic
Slayer info
Slayer level 1
Slayer points
Slayer XP
Assigned by
Combat stats
Attack Strength Defence Magic Ranged
300 300 300 150 1
Aggressive stats
Stab Slash Crush Magic Ranged
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0
Defensive stats
Stab Slash Crush Magic Ranged
+50 +50 +10 +100 +100
Other bonuses Immunities
Monster's strength bonus Monster's ranged strength bonus Monster's attack bonus Poison Venom
+0 +0 +0 Not
Attack speed
Kalphite Queen

The Kalphite Queen, also called the KQ, is the strongest of the Kalphites. She can inflict large amounts of damage with her Ranged and Magic attacks as they always result in a successful hit.

Fight overview

The Kalphite Queen has a combat level of 333. Each form has 255 Hitpoints, and her Ranged and Magic attacks have 100% accuracy. She may also use a decently accurate melee attack. The Queen has two forms: in the first, she is an immense scarab beetle, and in her second, a giant wasp. She switches forms only after the first has been fully defeated.

As a beetle, she is invincible to Magic and Ranged attacks, as indicated by her overhead prayers. As a wasp, she is invincible to all Melee attacks except for the Keris dagger. Therefore, players should be prepared to use both Melee and Ranged/Magic/Keris.

Several Kalphite Guardians are inside of her lair. These Kalphites are poisonous and attack with melee.

Fight Technique

It is best to use either a combination of Melee and Ranged or Melee and Keris. The Keris dagger deals extra damage to Kalphites and will hit through the second phase's melee protection prayers. Deciding which protection prayer to use can be difficult. KQ's Magic and Ranged attacks have 100% accuracy, but the minions also use melee. So your decision will be based on your gear. If you have extremely high Melee defence, it may be worth it to protect from Magic or Range. Otherwise, you are best off using protect from Melee. If there are no Guardians attacking you, use protect from Magic or Range.


The Kalphite Queen Lair is accessible through the Monster Teleports in your magic spellbook. Once the teleport has been used, run west towards the center of the lair. The spawn point is southwest of the massive stalagmite in the center of the lair.


The Kalphite Queen has several notable drops. The full Drop tables can be found on the official Wiki Drops Page. This page will automatically update if any changes are made. The Kalphite Queen also drops Hard and Elite Clue Scrolls.

Item Notes
Dragon defender Dragon defender Strong off-hand melee gear.
Dragon defender ornament kit Dragon defender ornament kit Use on Dragon defender to create a Dragon defender (t).
Dragon full helm Dragon full helm Item required for a Clue Scroll step.
Kalphite princess Kalphite princess The Pet variant of the Kalphite Queen.
Kq head Kq head Can be stuffed and mounted in poh or combined with a Slayer Helm.

Gear & Inventory

Keris is a dagger which is extremely powerful against the Kalphite queen that can hit through prayer, and is obtainable via your Weapons rack in your POH. Keris can be poisoned with any of the 3 weapon poisons which are made through the Herblore skill. It is highly recommended to use this weapon on the second form of KQ if you can not afford a blowpipe and max ranged gear. If ranging with a crossbow, bring any high level bolt (diamond, dragonstone, onyx, etc.).

Substitute Brawling gloves (slayer) and a Slayer Helmet (i) if on a Kalphite Queen Slayer task. Elite Void can also be used effectively here.


Max Melee

Serpentine Helmet

Completionist Cape (souls)

Salve Amulet (e)

Diamond Dragon Bolts (e)500

Tentacle of Chaos

Torva Platebody

Avernic Defender

Torva Platelegs

Ferocious Gloves

Steadfast Boots

'perfect ring'

Med-Level Melee

Helm of Neitiznot

Max Cape

Amulet of Fury

Diamond Bolts (e)500

Chaotic Rapier

Bandos Chestplate

Dragon Defender

Bandos Tassets

Brawling Gloves (melee)

Primordial Boots

Berserker Ring (i)

Welfare Melee

Helm of Neitiznot

Fire Cape

Amulet of Glory

Diamond Bolts (e)500

Abyssal Whip

Fighter Torso

Dragonfire Shield

Torags Platelegs

Barrows Gloves

Dragon Boots

Ring of Wealth

Pernix Body

Toxic Blowpipe

Home Teleport10

Pernix Chaps

Pegasian Boots

Overload (4)

Overload (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

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Super Prayer Potion (4)

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Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

Armadyl Chestplate

Armadyl Crossbow


Home Teleport10

Armadyl Chainskirt

Elysian Spirit Shield

Saradomin Brew (4)

Overload (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

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Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

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Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

Black D'hide Body

Rune Crossbow


Home Teleport10

Ranger Boots

Odium Ward


Overload (4)




Super Prayer Potion (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

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Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

Melee only

Max Melee

Serpentine Helmet

Completionist Cape (souls)

Salve Amulet (e)

Tentacle of Chaos

Torva Platebody

Avernic Defender

Torva Platelegs

Ferocious Gloves

Steadfast Boots

'perfect ring'

Med-Level Melee

Helm of Neitiznot

Max Cape

Amulet of Fury

Chaotic Rapier

Bandos Chestplate

Dragon Defender

Bandos Tassets

Brawling Gloves (melee)

Primordial Boots

Berserker Ring (i)

Welfare Melee

Helm of Neitiznot

Fire Cape

Amulet of Glory

Abyssal Whip

Fighter Torso

Dragonfire Shield

Torags Platelegs

Barrows Gloves

Dragon Boots

Ring of Wealth


Overload (4)

Overload (4)

Home Teleport10

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

Super Prayer Potion (4)

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Home Teleport10

Saradomin Brew (4)

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Overload (4)

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Home Teleport10




Overload (4)




Super Prayer Potion (4)

Saradomin Brew (4)

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