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This page could use significant work. Information needs to be collected about emblem drop rates and all bonuses from leaderboards/diaries/etc.

Emblem Tier BH Points
Mysterious Emblem (tier 1) 1 1000
Mysterious Emblem (tier 2) 2 2000
Mysterious Emblem (tier 3) 3 3500
Mysterious Emblem (tier 4) 4 5000
Mysterious Emblem (tier 5) 5 8000
Mysterious Emblem (tier 6) 6 12000
Mysterious Emblem (tier 7) 7 18000
Mysterious Emblem (tier 8) 8 26000
Mysterious Emblem (tier 9) 9 35000
Mysterious Emblem (tier 10) 10 45000

Mysterious Emblems

A mysterious emblem is an item that can be traded in to the Emblem Trader for Bounty Hunter Points, which can be used to purchase items from the Bounty Hunter Store. They can be obtained in several ways.

  • There is a 100% chance to receive an Emblem (tier 1) on a BH target kill if you don't have any emblems on your account yet.
  • When you kill a BH target that is carrying an emblem (tier 2 or higher), you will always receive their emblem as a drop, degraded by 1 - 4 tiers (random).
  • Whenever you kill a BH target, there is always a 20% chance of receiving a new Emblem (tier 1), even if you already have one or more emblems on your account. During Bounty Hunter Events or Wilderness Events, this chance is increased to 30%.
items/mysterious_emblem.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/22 13:07 by Iron adam