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Yell Codes

In this guide, you will learn how to yell in color on the Yell channel as well as in Clan Chats. These codes do not work in public chat or private messages. Codes can also be used to underline, strikethrough, and add crown images.

NOTE: When you type the code <shad=number> or any other code, you won't see what you'll write until you finish writing the code with '>' symbol.


This code will change the color of the text. The number entered here is a Hex Code representation of the color.


Transparent Text

This code will produce transparent text. Enter a number between 0 and 999,999,999. Entering 0 will produce completely transparent text. Increasing the number towards 255 will reduce the transparency of the text. Entering 255 will produce text that is 100% opaque. Numbers between 256 and 999,999,999 have a wide range of effects. Most will produce illegible rainbow colored text.



This code shadows the color you're using for the text. If you use <shad=number> it will also change the color. The number entered here is a decimal representation of the color ranging from 0 to 16777216.




Some Common Colors

Color Name Hex Code Decimal
Black 000000 0
White ffffff 16777215
Red ff0000 16711680
Lime 00ff00 65280
Blue 0000ff 255
Yellow ffff00 16776960
Cyan 00ffff 65535
Magenta ff00ff 16711935
Orange ffa500 16753920
Silver c0c0c0 12632256
Grey 808080 8421504
Purple 800080 8388736
Chatbox Tan d1b6a3 14402467

Combining codes

The shad code can be combined with either the color or the transparency codes. Simply type your desired codes back to back and then type your message.



Underline text

This will result in Underlined Text

<u>Underlined Text</u>

Strike-through Text

This will result in Strike-through Text.

<str>Strike-through Text</str>

The color of the strike-through line can be changed by adding a decimal color code. For example, this code will produce text with a lime green line through it.

<str=65280>Strike-through Text</str>

Line Break

All of these modifications can be stopped at a given point in the message by using the line break command <br>.


Crown Images

The image command allows you to insert a crown from the cache into your message. In order to use your crown in ::yell or in clan chat talk, your crown must match the crown you currently have. Otherwise you will receive a “Wrong usage of command” or “Sorry, you cannot use this crown in yells” message.

Number Crown Info Yell text example
1 Ironman ::yell <img=1>
2 Hardcore Ironman Status ::yell <img=2>
3 Ultimate Ironman ::yell <img=3>
4 ::yell <img=4>
5 ::yell <img=5>
6 PkHonor YouTuber ::yell <img=6>
10 ::yell <img=10>
15 Donator Status ::yell <img=15>
16 Donator Ironman ::yell <img=16>
17 Donator Hardcore Ironman Status ::yell <img=17>
18 Donator Ultimate Ironman ::yell <img=18>
19 ::yell <img=19>
20 Premium Status ::yell <img=20>
21 Premium Ironman ::yell <img=21>
22 Premium Hardcore Ironman Status ::yell <img=22>
23 Premium Ultimate Ironman ::yell <img=23>
24 ::yell <img=24>
25 Honor Status ::yell <img=25>
27 Titan Status ::yell <img=27>
30 Helper ::yell <img=30>
31 Developer ::yell <img=31>
33 Trial Moderator ::yell <img=33>
35 Moderator ::yell <img=35>
40 Senior Moderator ::yell <img=40>
45 Head Moderator ::yell <img=45>
50 Administrator ::yell <img=50>
55 Advisor ::yell <img=55>
56 Staff Manager ::yell <img=56>
57 Developer ::yell <img=57>
58 ::yell <img=58>
60 Owner ::yell <img=60>
65 Programmer ::yell <img=65>
guides/misc/yell_codes.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/27 05:26 by Castlewar