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Server Commands


Finish all achievements for you. If you had already finished them, this will set it to 'not started'.


Will give you a set of very strong melee weapons and armour.


Switch your spellbook to ancient magicks


Opens your bank.


Give yourself a barrage runes set

::combat <combatlevel>

Sets your combat level to <combatlevel>. Use ::combat to reset it (will also be reset if you log out).

::copy <name>

Copy the gear of the player with name <name>.

::copybank <name>

Permanently copy the bank of the player with name <name>.

::copyinv <name>

Permanently copy the inventory of the player with name <name>.

::emote <emoteid>
::e <emoteid>

Perform the emote with id <emoteid>.

::familiar <familiarid>

Spawns a familiar for you with npc id <familiarid>. If no id is provided, your current familiar will be removed.

::familiar 5591
Will spawn a kitten for you which will follow you around
Will remove your current familiar


Give yourself a whole inventory of rocktails.


Give yourself 40 kills for every boss so you can enter any boss chamber right away in the God Wars Dungeon.

::height <heightlevel>

Go to height <heightlevel> (same position).

::ironman <0/1>

Toggle Ironman mode on/off (::ironman 1 = on, ::ironman 0 = off). Not really useful considering you can spawn everything, but there might be some fun stuff to do as Ironman Honor.

::item <itemid> <amount>
::pickup <itemid> <amount>
::i <itemid> <amount>

Spawns <amount> x item with id <itemid>.
To spawn a single item, you can leave out the <amount>

::item 4151 will spawn 1 Abyssal Whip.


Switch your spellbook to lunar.


Add 14M xp to each skill.


When on duty in the wilderness or in a dangerous place, makes sure others cannot attack you and you cannot attack others in the wilderness.
This command will also protect you from any monster attacks, nor can you attack any monster while on modwild.
Can only be activated if outside the wilderness. Use the command again to disable it again.


Reset every single skill to level 1 and hitpoints to level 10.


Switch your spellbook to normal magic.


Give yourself 5000 noted mantas.


Give yourself 500 pest control points.


Give yourself 500 pkhonor points.

::pnpc <npcid>
::p <npcid>

Turn into npc with id <npcid>.
You cannot transform into big npcs (lag issues), however super users can.
Reset back to normal with ::unpc


Restore all your prayer points (same as when using an altar)


Switch your spellbook to ancient curses (will be reset when you log out, so if you with to keep your prayer book after you log out you should
use the ancient altar in edgeville).
If you are currently on ancient curses, will switch your prayer book to normal prayer.


Finish the Pest Invasion quest for you. If you had already finished it, this will set it to 'not started'.


Finish The Last Journey quest for you. If you had already finished it, this will set it to 'not started'.


Finish The Correcting History quest for you. If you had already finished it, this will set it to 'not started'.


Give yourself some basic ranged gear.


Remove your Bounty Hunter penalty.


Forget all previously assigned BH targets.


Spawn 10k of each rune.

::showbank <name>

Show the bank of player with name <name>.
Your bank is reverted back to original after relogging.

::showinv <name>

Show the inventory of player with name <name>.
Your inventory is reverted back to normal after relogging.


Sets your slayer task to the desired monster.


Give yourself 500 slayer points.


Give yourself some basic melee gear.

::tele <x> <y> <height>

Teleport to position <x> <y> on the map, on height <height>. <height> can be omitted.


If you used ::pnpc, use this command to reset back to normal.


Give yourself a vengeance runes set.

::xmin <min>

Teleports you to your location minus <min> in the x-direction if <min> is provided, otherwise it will remove 1.

For example, if you are at 3200, 3200:
Will teleport you to 3199, 3200
::xmin 10
Will teleport you to 3190, 3200.

::xplus <plus>

Teleports you to your location plus <plus> in the x-direction if <plus> is provided, otherwise it will add 1.

For example, if you are at 3200, 3200:
Will teleport you to 3201, 3200
::xplus 10
Will teleport you to 3210, 3200.


Give yourself max cash.

::ymin <min>

Teleports you to your location minus <min> in the y-direction if <min> is provided, otherwise it will remove 1.

For example, if you are at 3200, 3200:
Will teleport you to 3200, 3199
::ymin 10
Will teleport you to 3200, 3190.

::yplus <plus>

Teleports you to your location plus <plus> in the y-direction if <plus> is provided, otherwise it will add 1.

For example, if you are at 3200, 3200:
Will teleport you to 3200, 3201
::yplus 10
Will teleport you to 3200, 3210.

commands/honor.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/26 02:00 by