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skills:ranged [2019/02/12 11:44] – ↷ Page moved and renamed from guides:combatguides:combat to skills:ranged Rapseyskills:ranged [2024/03/28 23:43] (current) – updated skill_box Iron adam
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-====== B0rnt0b3pk's Range Guide ======+<WRAP info>Guide for training Combat skills can be found [[guides:combat|here]].</WRAP> 
 +|skill_name Ranged 
 +|cape_id 9756 
 +|200M 6,304 
 +|2B 878 
 +|update_date 28-MAR-2024 
 +**<fs 200%>Ranged</fs>**
 +Ranged is one of the three combat classes in PkHonor. It involves using bows, crossbows, and thrown weapons to damage opponents from a distance. Some lower level Ranged armour can be made from animal hides. Players who specialize in this skill are known as rangers or archers.
-__**This is a basic guide from 1 ranged to 99.**__+Rangers are capable of having the highest accuracy of any combat type. The combat triangle dictates that rangers are strong against mages but weak against melee fighters.
-If you're new player, you'll probably start with shortbow and 500 bronze arrows.+The ability to attack from a distance means that a player can safespot a melee monster while fighting from safety. Keep in mind that some melee monsters have high Ranged Defenceso high Ranged level may be needed. Crossbows are useful against monsters with high Defence, as they are very accurate.
-To get your first ranging levels, you can tele to rockcrabs, and kill one of them. By then you will probably have around 50 levels of range.+**<fs large>Weapon Requirements</fs>**
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:1st_screenshot.png|}}+<tabbox Bows> 
 +{{images:skills:ranged.png?nolink|Ranged}} Ranged Level ^ Weapon ^^ Other Requirements ^ 
 +|  1    {{items:icons:841.png?nolink|Standard Bows}}         Standard Bows |  None  | 
 +|  5    {{items:icons:843.png?nolink|Oak Bows}}              Oak Bows      |  None  | 
 +|  20  |  {{items:icons:849.png?nolink|Willow Bows}}          |  Willow Bows    None  | 
 +|  30  |  {{items:icons:853.png?nolink|Maple Bows}}            Maple Bows    |  None  | 
 +|  30  |  {{items:icons:857.png?nolink|Yew Bows}}              Yew Bows      |  None  | 
 +|  50  |  {{items:icons:861.png?nolink|Magic Bows}}            Magic Bows    |  None  | 
 +|  60  |  {{items:icons:11235.png?nolink|Dark Bow}}            Dark Bow      |  None  | 
 +|  60  |  {{items:icons:22550.png?nolink|Craw's Bow}}          Craw's Bow    |  None  | 
 +|  70  |  {{items:icons:4214.png?nolink|Crystal Bow}}          Crystal Bow    None  | 
 +|  75  |  {{items:icons:20997.png?nolink|Twisted bow}}        |  Twisted bow    None  | 
 +|  80  |  {{items:icons:40894.png?nolink|Zaryte bow}}          Zaryte bow    |  Completion of [[guides:quests:the_last_journey|The Last Journey]]  |
-When you kill the rockcrabs, remember to pick up every loot you get from them.+<tabbox Crossbows> 
 +^ {{images:skills:ranged.png?nolink|Ranged}} Ranged Level ^ Weapon ^^ Other Requirements ^ 
 +|  1    {{items:icons:9174.png?nolink|Bronze Crossbow}}          |  Bronze Crossbow          None  | 
 +|  16  |  {{items:icons:9176.png?nolink|Blurite Crossbow}}          Blurite Crossbow        |  None  | 
 +|  26  |  {{items:icons:9177.png?nolink|Iron Crossbow}}            |  Iron Crossbow            None  | 
 +|  31  |  {{items:icons:9179.png?nolink|Steel Crossbow}}            Steel Crossbow          |  None  | 
 +|  36  |  {{items:icons:9181.png?nolink|Mithril Crossbow}}          Mithril Crossbow        |  None  | 
 +|  46  |  {{items:icons:9183.png?nolink|Adamant Crossbow}}          Adamant Crossbow        |  None  | 
 +|  61  |  {{items:icons:9185.png?nolink|Runite Crossbow}}          |  Rune Crossbow            None  | 
 +|  64  |  {{items:icons:21902.png?nolink|Dragon Crossbow}}          Dragon Crossbow          None  | 
 +|  65  |  {{items:icons:21012.png?nolink|Dragon Hunter Crossbow}}  |  Dragon Hunter Crossbow  |  None  | 
 +|  65  |  {{items:icons:19478.png?nolink|Light ballista}}          |  Light ballista          |  None  | 
 +|  70  |  {{items:icons:4734.png?nolink|Karil's Crossbow}}          Karil's Crossbow        |  None  | 
 +|  70  |  {{items:icons:11785.png?nolink|Armadyl Crossbow}}        |  Armadyl Crossbow        |  None  | 
 +|  75  |  {{items:icons:19481.png?nolink|Heavy ballista}}          |  Heavy ballista          |  None  | 
 +|  80  |  {{items:icons:40524.png?nolink|Chaotic Crossbow}}        |  Chaotic Crossbow        |  None  |
-Sell the rock-shell loot you get to the junk store, located at home teleport.+<tabbox Other> 
 +^ {{images:skills:ranged.png?nolink|Ranged}} Ranged Level ^ Weapon ^^ Other Requirements ^ 
 +|  45  |  {{items:icons:10033.png?nolink|Grey Chinchompa}}          |  Chinchompa                None  | 
 +|  55  |  {{items:icons:10034.png?nolink|Red Chinchompas}}          |  Red Chinchompa            None  | 
 +|  60  |  {{items:icons:6522.png?nolink|Toktz-xil-ul}}              |  Toktz-xil-ul              None  | 
 +|  65  |  {{items:icons:11959.png?nolink|Black Chinchompas}}        |  Black Chinchompas        |  None  | 
 +|  75  |  {{items:icons:12924.png?nolink|Toxic Blowpipe}}            Toxic Blowpipe            None  | 
 +|  75  |  {{items:icons:50815.png?nolink|Morrigan's Throwing Axe}}  |  Morrigan's Throwing Axe  |  None  | 
 +|  75  |  {{items:icons:50811.png?nolink|Morrigan's Javelin}}        Morrigan's Javelin        None  | 
-Then do ::Shops to buy rune knives from the Ranged Salesman with the cash you have. Teleport back to rockcrabs and have fun getting 99 ranged!+**<fs large>Temporary Boosts</fs>**
 +^  Boost  ^^  Level Increase  ^  Other info  ^
 +|  {{items:icons:2444.png?nolink|Ranging Potion(4)}}  |  Ranging Potion(4)  |  ( **1.10** • Base Level ) + **4**  |    |
 +|  {{items:icons:41864.png?nolink|Extreme Magic(4)}}  |  Extreme Ranging(4)  |  ( **1.20** • Base Level ) + **4**  |    |
 +|  {{items:icons:41880.png?nolink|Overload (4)}}  |  [[items:overload|Overload]]  |  ( **1.20** • Base Level ) + **4**  |  Boost is reapplied every 15 seconds  |
-__**Note:**__ 50-99 range will take you approximately 30 minutes and 750 Rune Knives.+**<fs large>Useful Items</fs>**
----- +{{tablelayout?colwidth="80px,240px,480px"}} 
- +^ Item ^^ Effects ^ 
-**Original Guide's Owner: B0rnt0b3pk/Sick Ownage** + {{items:icons:42688.png?nolink|Brawling Gloves (ranged)}}  [[items:brawling_gloves|Brawling Gloves (ranged)]] 30% Additional Experience and PkP |
- +
-**Uploaded and tweaked (Edited in the new proper pictures, the note) by: Jonas** +
- +
----- +
- +
-====== Azurite's Ranging guide ====== +
- +
- +
-**__(The efficient way to train)__** +
----- +
- +
- +
-===== I. Gear set up. ===== +
- +
- +
-| ^ Option 1 ^ Option 2 ^ Option 3 ^ Option 4 ^ Option 5 ^ Option 6 ^ +
-^ Helm | Pernix cowl (+14) | Morrigan's coif (+13)* | Armadyl helm (+10) | Robin hood hat (+8) | Archer helm (+6) | Karil's coif (+3) | +
-^ Body | Pernix body (+38) | Morrigan's leather body (+36)* | Armadyl Chestplate (+33) | Black d'hide body / karil's leather top (+30) ||| +
-^ Legs | Pernix chaps (+25) | Morrigan's leather chaps (+23)* | Armadyl plateskirt (+20) | Black d'hide chaps / karil's leather skirt (+17) ||| +
-^ Boots | Glaiven boots (+10) | Ranger boots (+8) |||||| +
-^ Shield | Unholy book (+8) ||| Eagle eye kiteshield (+4)  ||| +
-^ Weapon | Black chins (+80) || Red chins (+70) || Rune knife (+25) || +
-^ Amulet | Amulet of ranging (+14) || Amulet of fury/amulet of glory (+10) || Amulet of power (+6) || +
-^ Cape | Comp cape (+10) || Max cape (+5) || Ava's accumulator (+4) || +
-^ Arrow | Rune (+49) |||||| +
-^ Ring | 'perfect' ring (+6) | Archer's ring (+4) |||||| +
-^ Optional | Saradomin Halo / Guthix Halo / Zamorak Halo |||||| +
-__**Note 1:**__ There's a visual glitch with chins, it doesn't show their ranging bonus. The arrow is for more range attack bonus (accuracy). \\ +
-__**Note 2:**__ All gear can be interchangeable. \\ +
-__**Note 3:**__ Morrigan's gear is not recommended because it degrades. +
----- +
- +
- +
-===== II. Inventory set up. ===== +
- +
-==== Cannon route ==== +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:cannon_route.png|}} +
- +
-__**Inventory Contents:**__ +
- +
-  1. 4x overloads +
-  2. 4x super antipoisons +
-  3. 2x saradomin brews +
-  4. 1x super restore +
-  5. 50k-100k cannon balls +
-  6. 1x cannon set +
-  7. 1x panic tab +
-  8. 11x super prayers +
- +
-==== The Non Cannon Route ==== +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:the_non_cannon_route.png|}} +
- +
-__**Inventory Contents:**__ +
- +
-  1. 4x Overload +
-  2. 4x Super Anti-Poisons +
-  3. 2x Saradomin Brew +
-  4. 1x Super Restore +
-  5. 1x Panic Tab +
-  6. 16x Super prayer +
- +
-__**Note:**__ Halos help a lot with the cannon set up, you can last a lot longer with your prayer potions. Halos can be obtained from the minigame "Castle Wars", and each Halo costs 300 Castle Wars Tickets. +
----- +
- +
- +
-===== III. How do you get there? ===== +
- +
-Start by going to your magic tabyou then locate the combat training teleport. +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:how_to_get_there.png|}}}} +
- +
-You then locate the ape atoll teleport. +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:ape_atoll.png|}} +
- +
-Now you select this option. +
----- +
- +
- +
-Once you have arrived, you need to locate the stairs. +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:stairs.png|}} +
- +
-Go down them. +
----- +
- +
- +
-Next we got to find the trap door. +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:trap_door.png|}} +
- +
-Now we go down this trap door. +
----- +
- +
- +
-Once you're down here run east until you reach the sweet spot. +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:the_spot.png|}} +
----- +
- +
- +
-===== IV. Positioning. ===== +
- +
-From the sweet spot, set up your cannon, then take a few steps south to stand against the wall, from here you can fill, and fire your cannon. +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:po.zy.shon.png|}} +
----- +
- +
- +
-===== V. The Great Escape ===== +
- +
-Okay, so you goofed, and forgot your panic tab, no need to worry, or die. +
- +
-You can leave right away, or wait until you're down to your last supplies. +
- +
-To do this you must run north, then east, then south east, to where no npcs are. +
- +
-{{:guides:skillguides:combatguides:es.kape.png|}} +
- +
-You can now teleport safely +
----- +
- +
-===== VI. Experience rates ===== +
- +
-25,000,000 - 120,000,000 Ranging Experience Per hour. +
- +
-__**Note:**__ The Range Experience is for Red Chins, it varies so much due to the hits you get whilst ranging, I averaged 80k xp per Red Chin. +
- +
----- +
- +
-===== VII. Tips ===== +
- +
-  * Use a halo, you don't notice much difference in using a halo, and it can really cut down on your use of super prayers. +
-  +
-  * Always protect melee. +
- +
-  * Use rigour, or eagle eye if you don't have rigour. +
- +
-  * Don't use your brews unless your prayer drops due to lag, or you're not paying much attention. +
- +
-  * Each time you overload, fill your cannon. +
- +
-  * When running to the sweet spot turn off auto retaliate, but don't forget to turn it on once against the wall. +
- +
----- +
- +
-**Original Guide's Owner: Azu Rite** +
- +
-**Uploaded and Tweaked by: Jonas**+
skills/ranged.1549971874.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/12 11:44 by Rapsey