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What is Venenatis?

Venenatis is a large spider that resides east of the Bone Yard, and is the only enemy to drop the Treasonous ring. She is able to drain prayer points and perform a highly lethal special attack that can hit up to 50 damage, and may use the special attack twice simultaneously, which is capable of almost instantly killing players.

How do I get to Venenatis?

Best Route 1: PVP Teleport –> Green Dragons –> North to Level 28 Wilderness

Best Route 2: Skilling Teleport –> Hunter –> Black Salamander Hunting Area –> North to Level 28 Wilderness

Alternative Route 1: Monster Teleport –> KBD –> South East to Level 28 wilderness

Alternative Route 2: PVP Teleport –> Mage bank –> East to Level 50 Wilderness Near Chaos Elemental Wilderness Wall Door –> South to Level 28 Wilderness.

Why Should I go there?

The most significant of the drops is the Treasonous ring.

Treasonous Ring

The Treasonous ring is the only ring that gives a stab bonus, it adds +4 stab attack & defence. Just like the Dagannoth rings, it can be imbued with an imbue scroll to double its bonuses!

Prayer, Gear and Inventory Setup

Normal Prayer Book

Ancient Curses Prayer Book

Minimum Setup

  • Slayer helm
  • Fire cape
  • Amulet of strength
  • Abyssal whip
  • Dragonfire shield
  • Rune platebody
  • Rune platelegs
  • Barrows gloves
  • Dragon boots
  • Berserker ring

Medium Setup

  • Slayer helm
  • Max cape
  • Amulet of fury
  • Chaotic rapier
  • Elysian Spirit Shield
  • Bandos chestplate
  • Bandos tassets
  • Barrows gloves
  • Dragon boots
  • Berserker ring

High Setup

  • Slayer helm
  • Max cape
  • Salve (e) amulet
  • Chaos Whip
  • Divine Spirit Shield
  • Torva platebody
  • Torva platelegs
  • Barrows gloves
  • Steadfast boots
  • Berserker ring (i)



Indicator Meaning
Always Every kill
Common Once every 2 - 10 kills
Uncommon Once every 10 - 20 kills
Rare Once every 20-50 kills
Very Rare Once every 50 - 100 kills
Ultra rare Once every 100 - 1000 kills
NPC Name Item Name Amount Rarity
Venenatis Venenatis jr. 1 Ultra rare
Treasonous ring 1 Ultra rare
Ancient repair kit 1 Ultra rare
Cannonball 1,000 Rare
Cannonball 100 Common
Cannonball 10 Common
Cannonball 2,000 Very rare
Cannonball 200 Common
Cannonball 500 Uncommon
Coins 100,000,000 Ultra rare
Coins 10,000,000 Very rare
Coins 100,000 Common
Coins 2,000,000 Rare
Coins 200,000 Common
Coins 300,000 Common
Coins 400,000 Common
Coins 50,000,000 Ultra rare
Coins 5,000,000 Rare
Coins 500,000 Uncommon
Dragon 2h sword 1 Ultra rare
Dragon boots 1 Rare
Dragon dart(p++) 100 Ultra rare
Dragon dart(p++) 30 Very rare
Dragon dart(p++) 50 Ultra rare
Dragon med helm 1 Very rare
Gold ore 100 Ultra rare
Gold ore 10 Rare
Gold ore 300 Ultra rare
Gold ore 50 Very rare
Loop half of key 1 Very rare
Mahogany logs 20 Rare
Mahogany logs 50 Very rare
Onyx bolt tips 100 Ultra rare
Onyx bolt tips 10 Common
Raw rocktail 100 Very rare
Raw rocktail 10 Common
Raw rocktail 20 Rare
Raw rocktail 50 Rare
Raw shark 200 Ultra rare
Raw shark 20 Rare
Raw shark 50 Very rare
Rune battleaxe 1 Very rare
Rune boots 1 Ultra rare
Rune full helm 1 Rare
Rune knife 120 Ultra rare
Rune knife 60 Very rare
Rune plateskirt 1 Rare
Rune scimitar 1 Uncommon
Rune warhammer 1 Rare
Saradomin brew(4) 100 Ultra rare
Saradomin brew(4) 10 Rare
Saradomin brew(4) 1 Common
Saradomin brew(4) 20 Rare
Saradomin brew(4) 40 Very rare
Super restore(4) 1 Common
Super restore(4) 20 Uncommon
Super restore(4) 50 Ultra rare
Superantipoison(4) 10 Rare
Superantipoison(4) 1 Uncommon
Superantipoison(4) 50 Ultra rare
Tooth half of key 1 Very rare
Uncut diamond 1 Rare
Uncut dragonstone 1 Very rare
Uncut onyx 1 Ultra rare
Yew roots 200 Rare
Yew roots 300 Very rare

Original Guide's Owner: Jonas

Uploaded to the Wiki by: Jonas

npcs/venenatis.1549968756.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/02/12 10:52 by Rapsey