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This guide details what each slayer perk is and how much it costs to upgrade each perk.

What are slayer perks?

Slayer perks are upgrades that can be bought using slayer points that have various benefits to the player during a slayer task.

Where can you access slayer perks?

Slayer perks can be assessed by talking to any slayer master:

The perks that can be unlocked are on the first tab:

The perks that have already been unlocked are on the second tab:

Once unlocked, slayer perks can be toggled on/off:

What are the different slayer perks, and their cost?

Treasure Hunter

Provides a +2.5% chance to obtain a Clue scroll from your task monster per tier (for a maximum of +25% at tier 10).

TOTAL: 141,200 pts

Consistency Is Key

Increase the effect of the Slayer helmet by 1% (for a maximum of +5%, offering a max of +20% damage and accuracy on task). Requires a slayer streak of at least 40 to unlock.


Dark Totem Collector

While killing monsters on task in the Catacombs of Kourend, they will be more likely to drop Dark totem pieces.

Nacht der Untoten

The Zombies from the Zombie Minigame will become an available hard slayer task. This perk can freely be activated / deactivated once unlocked. Requires access to the Zombie minigame to be unlocked.

guides/slayer_perks.1582675147.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/25 23:59 by Church