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guides:achievement_diaries:wilderness_achievement_diary [2023/05/11 03:45] Castlewarguides:achievement_diaries:wilderness_achievement_diary [2024/06/22 02:10] (current) – removed irrelevant information Iron adam
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 **<fs 200%>Wilderness Achievement Diaries</fs>** **<fs 200%>Wilderness Achievement Diaries</fs>**
-The Wilderness, also known as the Wild or Wildy, is a large and dangerous wasteland that makes up nearly the entirety of north-eastern Gielinor directly north of the kingdoms of Asgarnia and Misthalin.+The Wilderness Diary is a set of achievement diaries whose tasks are exclusively done within the Wilderness. Completing these tasks unlock several rewards and are a requirement for unlocking the [[items:completionist_cape|Completionist Cape]]
-The entirety of the Wilderness is a PvP area. Two players or multiple players (within multi-combat zonemay fight if their combat levels are within a certain range of each other, increasing the deeper into the Wilderness they go. This, along with [[guides:pvm_guides|very high level monsters]] and [[guides:pvm_guides|bosses]], makes the Wilderness one of the most dangerous places in the game.+There are 40 total Wilderness Achievements and they are split into two categories:  
 +  * 27 PvM/skilling tasks 
 +  * 13 PvP tasks (only on Bounty Hunter targets)
-<WRAP important>The Wilderness Achievement Diaries are located in the {{images:combat:skull.png?nolink|}}**Wilderness** and in {{images:combat:combat.png?nolink|}}**Multi-combat**. **You can be attacked by any player on the server. You will lose your items on death! Only bring items which you are willing to lose.**+Ironmen, Hardcore Ironmen, and Ultimate Ironmen must complete double the amount of PvM/Skilling Tasks in lieu of the PvP Tasks
-{{images:crowns:crown_2.png?nolink|Hardcore Ironman}} **Warning to all Hardcore Ironmen!** {{images:crowns:crown_2.png?nolink|Hardcore Ironman}} While you do keep your items on death, it is treated as a normal pvm death. You will lose your status if you die here! 
-The Wilderness Diary is a set of achievement diaries whose tasks are exclusively done within the Wilderness. Therefore, players should be prepared for attacks from player killers. Completing these tasks unlock certain useful rewards in the Wilderness and are a requirement for unlocking the [[items:completionist_cape|Completionist Cape]]. 
-There are 40 total Wilderness Achievements and they are split into two categories:  
-  * PvM/skilling tasks, 27 tasks total 
-  * PvP tasks (only on Bounty Hunter targets), 13 tasks total 
-Several skill and item requirements are needed to complete all tasks:  +^  PvM/Skilling tasks  ^^ 
-<WRAP justify> +^  #  ^  Task  ^ 
-{{tablelayout?colwidth="50px,310px,310px"}} +|  1  |  [[npcs:wildywyrm|WildyWyrm]]: 1 [[guides:clue_scrolls|clue scroll]] or 40 kills  | 
-^  #  ^  Task   Recommended or Requirements +|  2  |  [[npcs:king_black_dragon|King Black Dragon]]: 1 Draconic visage drop or 120 kills  |  
-^ ^  PvM/skilling tasks  ^ +|  3  |  [[npcs:venenatis|Venenatis]]: 1 Treasonous ring drop or 250 kills  | 
-|  1  |  [[npcs:wildywyrm|WildyWyrm]]: 1 [[guides:clue_scrolls|clue scroll]] or 40 kills   Recommended to have [[skills:attack|Attack]] level 99, [[skills:strength|Strength]] level 99, [[skills:defence|Defence]] level 99 and [[skills:prayer|Prayer]] level 70. See [[npcs:wildywyrm|WildyWyrm]]  | +|  4  |  [[npcs:callisto|Callisto]]: Tyrannical ring drop or 250 kills  | 
-|  2  |  [[npcs:king_black_dragon|King Black Dragon]]: 1 {{|}} Draconic visage [[stats:drops|drop]] or 120 kills   See [[npcs:king_black_dragon|King Black Dragon]]  |  +|  5  |  [[npcs:vetion|Vet'ion]]: 1 Ring of the gods drop or 100 kills  | 
-|  3  |  [[npcs:venenatis|Venenatis]]:{{|}} Treasonous ring [[stats:drops|drop]] or 250 kills   [[npcs:venenatis|Venenatis]] attacks with all 3 combat styles. Her special attack is capable of hitting players 1 tick after her previous attack. There is no cooldown on this special attack. With a max hit of 50, she is capable of killing players almost instantly. Because of this, some form of damage reduction (Divine/Elysian Spirit Shield) is highly recommended. Melee and Ranged are most effective against [[npcs:venenatis|Venenatis]]. Most players will use Melee as range offers no clear advantage. [[npcs:venenatis|Venenatis]] has a long range Melee attack that can still hit players even if they are attacking from a distance, eliminating Range's usual advantage. See [[npcs:venenatis|Venenatis]]  | +|  6  |  [[npcs:scorpia|Scorpia]]: 1 shard (odium or mal.) or 60 kills  | 
-|  4  |  [[npcs:callisto|Callisto]]:{{|Tyrannical ring}} Tyrannical ring [[stats:drops|drop]] or 250 kills   See [[npcs:callisto|Callisto]]  | +|  7  |  [[npcs:crazy_archaeologist|Crazy Archaeologist]]: 1 shard (odium or mal.) or 80 kills  | 
-|  5  |  [[npcs:vetion|Vet'ion]]:{{|Ring of the gods}} Ring of the gods [[stats:drops|drop]] or 100 kills   See [[npcs:vetion|Vet'ion]]  | +|  8  |  [[npcs:chaos_fanatic|Chaos Fanatic]]: 1 shard (odium or mal.) or 80 kills  | 
-|  6  |  [[npcs:scorpia|Scorpia]]: 1 shard (odium or mal.) or 60 kills   See [[npcs:scorpia|Scorpia]]  | +|  9  |  Kill each boss once in 1 trip, no trading/looting players 3 times  | 
-|  7  |  [[npcs:crazy_archaeologist|Cr. Archaeologist]]: 1 shard (odium or mal.) or 80 kills   See [[npcs:crazy_archaeologist|Crazy Archaeologist]]  | +|  10  |  [[guides:misc:pets|Pet]]: 1 from any wild boss or kill each boss 150 times  | 
-|  8  |  [[npcs:chaos_fanatic|Chaos Fanatic]]: 1 shard (odium or mal.) or 80 kills   See [[npcs:chaos_fanatic|Chaos Fanatic]]  | +|  11  |  Complete wilderness boss slayer tasks 2  | 
-|  9  |  Kill each boss once in 1 trip, no trading/looting players 3 times   See [[guides:pvm_guides|each Wildy boss here]]  | +|  12  |  [[npcs:lost_souls|Lost Souls]]: 4 pieces of PvP equipment 
-|  10  |  [[guides:misc:pets|Pet]]: 1 from any [[guides:pvm_guides|wild boss]] or kill each [[guides:pvm_guides|boss]] 150 times   See [[guides:misc:pets|the Pet Guide]]  | +|  13  |  Mage Arena: 3 different god capes  | 
-|  11  |  Complete [[guides:pvm_guides|wilderness boss]] [[skills:slayer|slayer tasks]]   See [[skills:slayer|slayer tasks]]  | +|  14  |  [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]] (in wild): 20 choc-ice drops  | 
-|  12  |  [[npcs:lost_souls|Lost Souls]]: 4 pieces of PvP equipment   See [[npcs:lost_souls|Lost Souls]]  | +|  15  |  [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]] (in wild): 100 frost dragon bones  | 
-|  13  |  Mage Arena: 3 different god capes  |  Get three different god capes  | +|  16  |  [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]] (in wild): 20 kills without anti dragonfire 
-|  14  |  [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]] (in wild): 20 choc-ice [[stats:drops|drops]]  |  See [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]]  | +|  17  |  [[npcs:lava_dragon|Lava Dragons]]: 80 lava dragon bones  | 
-|  15  |  [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]] (in wild): 100 frost dragon bones   See [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]]  |  +|  18  |  [[npcs:chaos_elemental|Chaos Elemental]]: 300 hand cannon shots  | 
-|  16  |  [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]] (in wild): 20 kills without anti dragonfire   See [[npcs:frost_dragon|Frost dragons]]  |  +|  19  |  [[npcs:chaos_elemental|Chaos Elemental]]: 10 solo kills while staying under 40 hitpoints 
-|  17  |  [[npcs:lava_dragon|Lava Dragons]]: 80 {{|lava dragon bones}} lava dragon bones  |  See [[npcs:lava_dragon|Lava Dragons]]  | +|  20  |  [[npcs:dragons|Regular dragons]] (in wild): 500 dragon bones obtained 
-|  18  |  [[npcs:chaos_elemental|Chaos Elemental]]: 300 hand cannon shots   See [[npcs:chaos_elemental|Chaos Elemental]]  | +|  21  |  [[skills:agility|Wilderness Agility Course]]: 50 laps wearing spotted/spottier cape  | 
-|  19  |  [[npcs:chaos_elemental|Chaos Elemental]]: 10 solo kills while staying under 40 [[skills:hitpoints|hitpoints]]  |  See [[npcs:chaos_elemental|Chaos Elemental]]  | +|  22  |  [[guides:clue_scrolls|Clue scroll]]: 10 clue steps in the wilderness 
-|  20  |  [[npcs:dragons|Regular dragons]] (in wild): 500 dragon bones [[stats:drops|obtained]]  |  See [[npcs:dragons|Dragons]]  | +|  23  |  100 [[skills:hunter|Black salamanders]] caught 
-|  21  |  [[skills:agility|Wilderness Agility Course]]: 50 laps wearing spotted/spottier cape   The Spotted cape gives 20% extra [[skills:agility|Agility]] experience for all ways of training [[skills:agility|Agility]]. It can be obtained by getting Spotted Kebbit's fur and using a needle and thread on it. The Spottier Cape is available for donator players or premium players. Same as Spotted cape, but [[skills:agility|Agility]] experience bonus is 70% It can be obtained by getting fur from Dashing Kebbit and using needle and thread on it. See [[skills:agility|Agility]] and [[skills:hunter|Hunter]]  | +|  24  |  150 [[skills:hunter|Black chinchompas]] caught 
-|  22  |  [[guides:clue_scrolls|Clue scroll]]: 10 clue steps in the wilderness   See [[guides:clue_scrolls|Clue Scroll Guide]]  | +|  25  |  300 [[skills:fishing|Dark crabs]] caught 
-|  23  |  100 [[skills:hunter|Black salamanders]] caught   See [[skills:hunter|Hunter]]  | +|  26  |  300 [[skills:woodcutting|Magic logs]] cut  | 
-|  24  |  150 [[skills:hunter|Black chinchompas]] caught   See [[skills:hunter|Hunter]]  |  +|  27  |  [[skills:mining|Runite golems]]: 300 runite ore mined  |
-|  25  |  300 [[skills:fishing|Dark crabs]] caught   See [[skills:fishing|Fishing]]  | +
-|  26  |  300 [[skills:woodcutting|Magic logs]] cut   See [[skills:woodcutting|Woodcutting]]  | +
-|  27  |  [[skills:mining|Runite golems]]: 300 runite ore [[skills:mining|mined]]   See [[skills:mining|Mining]] +
-^  #  ^  Task  ^  Recommended or Requirements +
-^  ^  PvP tasks (only on Bounty Hunter targets) 13 total tasks   ^ +
-|  28  |  Obtain 35,000 Bounty Hunter points by trading emblems  |  You can trade emblems for BH points at the Bounty Hunter shop NPC @ edge  | +
-|  29  |  10 Artifact drops from player kills  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|Pking guide here]] +
-|  30  |  15 Full kills while using normal prayer book  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
-|  31  |  10 Full kills while wearing any full Barrows set  |  Barrows gear is dropped by [[npcs:barrows_brothers|the Barrows Brothers]], you can also purchase individual Barrows gear or full sets from players or from the Grand Exchange. +
-|  32  |  5 Full kills carrying less than 200M in items  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
-|  33  |  5 Full kills with [[skills:ranged|ranged]]  |  Range only. You can use any range weapon, just make sure you don’t switch to mage or melee when killing players. +
-|  34  |  500 seconds worth that you Freeze/bind/snare/entangle players  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
-|  35  |  500M worth of Loot gained from player kills  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
-|  36  |  2,000 PkHonor Points gained from player kills  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
-|  37  |  200 Pest Control Points gained from player kills  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
-|  38  |  200 Damage done with poison or venom  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
-|  39  |  2,000 Damage done with vengeance, deflect or recoil  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
-|  40  |  500 Prayer points drained with smite or soul split  |  See the [[guides:pking_guide|PKing Guides]] +
- +
-</WRAP> +
- +
-<WRAP todo> TODO: Update, add additional information for each task, add images. Thank you</WRAP> +
- +
- +
-**<fs 200%>How to show your progress</fs>** +
- +
-Open up your Quest Tab and click on Wilderness. Here you will see all the achievements.  +
- +
-{{|How to get to your Wilderness Achievement Diaries progress}} +
- +
-{{|first page}} {{|second page}} {{|third page}} {{|last page}} +
 +The PvP tasks must be completed exactly as described. Mechanics like Vengeance, recoil, deflect, poison, and venom damage may cause certain achievements to fail. Ensure you are only using the prescribed method of damage for kills. This is especially important with the Ranged only kills. 
 +^  PvP tasks (only on Bounty Hunter targets)  ^^
 +^  #  ^  Task  ^
 +|  28  |  Obtain 35,000 Bounty Hunter points by trading emblems  |
 +|  29  |  10 Artifact drops from player kills  |
 +|  30  |  15 Full kills while using normal prayer book  |
 +|  31  |  10 Full kills while wearing any full Barrows set  |
 +|  32  |  5 Full kills carrying less than 200M in items  |
 +|  33  |  5 Full kills with Ranged  |
 +|  34  |  500 seconds worth that you Freeze/bind/snare/entangle players  |
 +|  35  |  500M worth of Loot gained from player kills  |
 +|  36  |  2,000 PkHonor Points gained from player kills  |
 +|  37  |  200 Pest Control Points gained from player kills  |
 +|  38  |  200 Damage done with poison or venom  |
 +|  39  |  2,000 Damage done with vengeance, deflect or recoil  |
 +|  40  |  500 Prayer points drained with smite or soul split  |
guides/achievement_diaries/wilderness_achievement_diary.1683776709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/11 03:45 by Castlewar