====== Farming Guide ======
|skill_name = Farming
|cape_id = 9810
|200M = 1,218
|2B = 122
|update_date = 28-MAR-2024
Click [[skills:farming#Leveling Methods:|here]] for the 1-99 Guide\\ Click [[skills:farming#Teleporting To Farming| here]] to learn how to teleport to patches\\ Click [[skills:farming#Full Experience Table| here]] for the full experience table
Farming is a skill in which players grow crops using seeds and harvest useful items from them, or more commonly, harvest the plant itself. The crops grown range from the standard staples of vegetables, fruit trees, herbs, hops, to more exotic and unusual crops such as wood-bearing trees, cacti, and mushrooms. The harvested items have wide range of uses, but are mostly used to train Herblore, or simply eaten as food. Many players sell their harvest for a significant profit.\\
Once players have reached the intermediate level range and beyond, they can begin to plant wood-bearing trees. Player grown trees function just like their standard equivalents, which can be chopped down and dug up to retrive the tree's roots. The tree roots are used to make crossbows. Planting trees is the quickest way to 99 farming.
===== Tools and Shops: =====
^ Tool ^ Purpose: ^
|{{items:icons:5341.png?nolink|Rake}} Rake|Used for getting rid of weeds in a plot.|
|{{items:icons:952.png?nolink|Rake}} Spade|The most useful Farming tool. Used for harvesting crops, clearing away dead plants and removing plant roots and bushes.|
|{{::items:icons: 6034.png?nolink|Super Compost}} Super Compost | Decreases the time you have to wait for your crops to fully grow. |
|{{::items:icons: 6036.png?nolink| Plant Cure}} Plant Cure| Cures plants of Diseases.|
|{{items:icons:5340.png?nolink|Watering Can}}\\ Watering Can|Used for watering plants to help them grow.|
|{{items:icons:5343.png?nolink|Seed Dibber}} Seed Dibber |Used for planting Seeds in a plot.|
|{{items:icons:676.png?nolink|Gardening Trowel}} Trowel|Used for filling Plant Pots with Soil.|
|{{items:icons:7409.png?nolink|Magical Secateurs}} Magical Secateurs| Premium Only\\ 15% bonus farming XP and 15% higher harvest yield|
|{{items:icons:5350.png?nolink|Empty Plant Pot}} Empty Plant Pot|Used for growing Tree Saplings in.|
|{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:woad_seed_4.png?nolink&32}} Woad Plant| Prevent your Herbs from getting diseased.|
All of the tools you need to can be purchased from the NPCs located at the farming patches.
===== Teleporting To Farming =====
You are able to teleport to the Herb and Flower Patch located North of Catherby from your skilling teleports located in your spellbook.
Regular:\\ {{wst>spellbook
Ancient:\\ {{wst>spellbook
Lunar:\\ {{wst>spellbook
==== Herb and Flower Patch Locations: ====
Talk with the NPC, Dantaera, located at the Farming patch in Skilling Teleports. There are four different Herb patches that can be used: South of Falador, West of Port Phasmatys, North of Catherby, and North of Ardougne. There are 2 Possible Layouts for Herb and Flower Patches:\\
Layout 1:\\
North of Catherby and North of Ardougne
{{ https://imgur.com/09df8qA.png?nolink300px }}
Layout 2:\\
South of Falador and West of Port Phasmatys
{{ https://imgur.com/L8MsEJ9.png?nolink300px }}
==== Bush Patch Locations: ====
Talk with the NPC, Dantaera, located at the Farming patch in Skilling Teleports. There are three Bush Patches that can be used by regular players, Premium players have access to an extra patch in the Premium Land. The Three other patches are Champion's Guild, Rimmington, and South of Ardougne.\\
Whiteberries at Champion's Guild
{{ https://imgur.com/aFleUZQ.png?nolink300px }}
==== Tree Patch Locations: ====
Talk with the NPC, Dantaera, located at the Farming patch in Skilling Teleports. There are four Tree patches that can be used, West of Lumbridge, Varrock Palace, Falador Park, and Taverley.\\
Magic Tree at Falador Park:
{{ https://imgur.com/B2lcWCc.png?nolink300px }}
==== 'Special' Patch Locations: ====
Talk with the NPC, Dantaera, located at the Farming patch in Skilling Teleports. There are three different Special patches that can be used: Canifis Funghi patch, Al Kharid Cactus patch, and Draynor Manor Belladonna patch.\\
Draynor Manor Belladonna Patch:
{{ https://imgur.com/g0Z5VVu.png?nolink300px }}
===== How To Farm: =====
==== Farming Herbs ====
**Please Note:** You are unable to plant any kind of seed into any of the allotment patches. However, you are able to rake the allotment patches for additional farming exp.
**Items Needed:**
- Rake.
- Spade.
- Seed Dibber.
- Plant Cure.
- Money. [To buy seeds and plant cure as you go, unless you've pre-brought everything].
Once you have all the above, do the following:
- Teleport to the farming area.
- Rake the weeds in the herb patch and plant your seed.
- Await for your herb to grow, or carry on to another patch.
******Note:** if your herb becomes diseased, use your plant cure potion on the diseased herbs, your herbs will automatically be cured, and continue on to the growing process. At Level 25 you can plant a Woad flower, which will prevent your Herbs from getting diseased!*******
^ Herb ^ Level ^ Exp via Plant ^ Exp via Pick ^ Total Exp ^
|Guam | 1 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 2,000 |
|Marrentill | 14 | 2,000 | 2,000 | 4,000 |
|Tarromin | 19 | 3,000 | 3,000 | 6,000 |
|Harralander | 26 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 8,000 |
|Ranarr | 32 | 5,000 | 5,000 | 10,000 |
|Toadflax | 38 | 6,500 | 6,500 | 13,000 |
|Irit | 44 | 8,000 | 8,000 | 16,000 |
|Avantoe | 50 | 10,000 | 10,000 | 20,000 |
|Kwuarm | 56 | 13,000 | 13,000 | 26,000 |
|Snapdragon | 62 | 16,000 | 16,000 | 32,000 |
|Cadantine | 67 | 20,000 | 20,000 | 40,000 |
|Lantandyme | 73 | 22,500 | 22,500 | 45,000 |
|Dwarf Weed | 79 | 25,000 | 25,000 | 50,000 |
|Torstol | 85 | 30,000 | 30,000 | 60,000 |
==== Farming Flowers: ====
**Items Needed:**
- Rake.
- Seed Dibber.
- Spade.
- Money. (To buy seeds and plant cure as you go, unless you've pre-brought everything).
Once you have the items, do the following:
- Teleport to a flower patch.
- Rake the flower patch. (Only if it has weeds growing in it.)
- Plant your flower seed.
- Wait for the flower to grow, then pick it.
^ Flower ^ Level ^ Exp via Planting ^ Exp Via Picking ^ Total Exp ^
|{{::items:icons:5096_5.png?nolink}} Marigold | 2 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 2,000 |
|{{::items:icons: 5097_5.png?nolink}} Rosemary | 11 | 2,000 | 2,000 | 4,000 |
|{{::items:icons: 5098_5.png?nolink}} Nasturtium | 24 | 3,000 | 3,000 | 6,000 |
|{{::items:icons: 5099_5.png?nolink}} Woad | 25 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 8,000 |
==== Farming Trees: ====
**Items Needed:**
- Rake.
- Seed Dibber.
- Spade.
- Trowel.
- Plant Pot.
- Watering Can.
- Hatchet. [To cut down the tree and clear the patch to plant another seed in its place].
- Money. [To buy seeds and plant cure as you go, unless you've pre-brought everything].
Once you have the items, do the following:
-Plant a seed into the pot.
-Water the seed, it'll then grow into a sappling.
-Rake the patch. [If it has weeds growing].
-Use the sapling on the empty patch.
-Wait for the tree to grow.
-'Check Health'.
-Cut down the tree.
-Use a spade on the stump. [You will receive roots in return].
^Tree ^ Level ^ Exp via Planting ^ Exp via Picking ^ Total Exp ^
|{{::items:icons:5312_5.png?nolink}} Acorn | 15 | 50,000 | 50,000 | 100,000 |
|{{::items:icons:5313_5.png?nolink}} Willow | 30 | 75,000 | 75,000 | 150,000 |
|{{::items:icons:5314_5.png?nolink}} Maple | 45 | 100,000 | 100,000 | 200,000 |
|{{::items:icons:5315_5.png?nolink}} Yew | 60 | 150,000 | 150,000 | 300,000 |
|{{::items:icons:5316_5.png?nolink}} Magic | 75 | 200,000 | 200,000 |400,000 |
==== Farming Special Patches: ====
**Items Needed:**
- Rake.
- Seed Dibber.
- Spade.
- Money. [To buy seeds and plant cure as you go, unless you've pre-brought everything].
- Gloves. [To harvest Belladonas]
When you have the listed items, teleport to the specific patch location you used to farm at.
Once you have finally arrived at the special patch, follow the following steps:
-Rake the patch. [If it needs to be de-weeded].
-Plant your seed in the empty patch.
-Await for your plant to grow.
-Once your plant has finally grown, 'check health', and then pick the plant.
-After the plant has been picked, use your spade on it to clear the patch.
^Plant ^ Level ^ Exp via Planting ^ Exp via Picking ^ Total Exp^
|{{::items:icons:5282_5.png?nolink}} Funghus Spore | Level 52 | 6,000 Exp | 6,000 Exp | 12,000 Exp|
|{{::items:icons:5280_5.png?nolink}} Cactus | Level 55 | 7,500 Exp | 7,500 Exp | 15,000 Exp|
|{{::items:icons:5281_5.png?nolink}} Belladonna | Level 63 | 25,000 Exp | 25,000 Exp | 50,000 Exp|
===== Leveling Methods: =====
==== Farming EXP Boosting Items ====
{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_secateurs.png|}} **Magic Secateurs** - This is a Premium Only Item, that lets you to teleport between every patch by simply 'Operate'ing it. It gives 10% more Farming Expierence. It can be bought from Premium Island's Shop for 5.75M Coins.
{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:brawling_gloves_ranged.png|}} **Brawling Gloves (Farming)** - This is an item, that gives 30% more Farming Expierence. It can be bought from Estate agent that is located at Home, near the Player-owned House Portal for 500 Pkhonor Points, 345M Coins and you have to have 99 Construction to be able to buy any of the Brawling Gloves Estate Agent is selling.
{{::items:icons: 6034.png?nolink|Super Compost}} **Super Compost** - Decreases the time you have to wait for your crops to fully grow.
==== 1-99 ====
__**Level 1-22 Farming:**__
Rake 8 patches with {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:rake.png|}} a Rake.\\
**You'll need this formula:**
{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:plant_pot.png|}} Plant pot + {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_seed_5.png|}} Tree Seed + {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:watering_can.png|}} Watering can = {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_sapling.png|}} Sapling
__**Level 22-50 Farming:**__
Plant and Grow 1 {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:oak_sapling.png|}} Oak Tree (Acorn Seed).
__**Level 50-61 Farming:**__
Plant and Grow 1 {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:maple_sapling.png|}} Maple Tree.
__**Level 61-75 Farming:**__
Plant 4 {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:woad_seed_4.png|}} Woad Flowers in all 4 herb patches, and Grow {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:yew_sapling.png|}} 3 Yew Trees.
__**Level 75-99 Farming:**__
Method A.) 30 Magic Saplings {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_sapling.png|}}
Method B.) Plant Magic saplings on all 4 tree patches, and plant Belladonas on the special patch while the trees are growing.
{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_sapling.png|}} Magic Saplings & {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:belladonna_seed_5.png|}} Belladonas you'll have to grow: 20x Magic Trees & 77x Belladonas.
==== Leveling Method: 99-2b ====
Plant Magic saplings on all 4 tree patches, and plant Belladonas on the special patch while the trees are growing.
{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_sapling.png|}} Magic Saplings & {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:belladonna_seed_5.png|}} Belladonas you'll have to grow without Brawlers & Secateurs: 4,300x Magic Trees & 5600x Belladonas.
{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_sapling.png|}} Magic Saplings & {{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:belladonna_seed_5.png|}} Belladonas you'll have to grow with Brawlers & Secateurs: 2,900x Magic trees & 4543x Belladonas.
**Or if you choose to only do Magic Trees for expierence;**
{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_sapling.png|}} Magic Saplings you'll have to grow without Brawlers & Secateurs: 5,000x Magic Trees
{{:guides:skillguides:farmingguides:magic_sapling.png|}} Magic Saplings you'll have to grow with Brawlers & Secateurs: 3427x Magic Trees
===== Full Experience Table =====
^ Plant ^ Level ^ Exp via Plant ^ Exp via Pick ^ Total Exp ^
|Guam | 1 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 2,000 |
|Marigold | 2 | 1,000 | 1,000 | 2,000 |
|Rosemary | 11 | 2,000 | 2,000 | 4,000 |
|Marrentill | 14 | 2,000 | 2,000 | 4,000 |
|Acorn(Oak Tree) | 15 | 50,000 | 50,000 | 100,000 |
|Tarromin | 19 | 3,000 | 3,000 | 6,000 |
|Nasturtium | 24 | 3,000 | 3,000 | 6,000 |
|Woad | 25 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 8,000 |
|Harralander | 26 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 8,000 |
|Willow Seed| 30 | 75,000 | 75,000 | 150,000 |
|Ranarr | 32 | 5,000 | 5,000 | 10,000 |
|Toadflax | 38 | 6,500 | 6,500 | 13,000 |
|Irit | 44 | 8,000 | 8,000 | 16,000 |
|Maple Seed| 45 | 100,000 | 100,000 | 200,000 |
|Avantoe | 50 | 10,000 | 10,000 | 20,000 |
|Funghus Spore | 52 | 6,000 | 6,000 | 12,000|
|Cactus | 55 | 7,500 | 7,500 | 15,000|
|Kwuarm | 56 | 13,000 | 13,000 | 26,000 |
|Yew Seed| 60 | 150,000 | 150,000 | 300,000 |
|Snapdragon | 62 | 16,000 | 16,000 | 32,000 |
|Belladonna | 63 | 25,000 | 25,000 | 50,000|
|Cadantine | 67 | 20,000 | 20,000 | 40,000 |
|Lantandyme | 73 | 22,500 | 22,500 | 45,000 |
|Magic Seed| 75 | 200,000 | 200,000 |400,000 |
|Dwarf Weed | 79 | 25,000 | 25,000 | 50,000 |
|Torstol | 85 | 30,000 | 30,000 | 60,000 |
===== Useful Magic =====
The Lunar spellbook offers three spells that may be useful in farming: Cure plant*, Humidify and Fertile Soil; requiring level 66, level 68 and level 83 Magic respectively. Humidify can be used to water all seedlings in your inventory to speed up the process of making saplings. Fertile Soil is useful as players can just get a stack of the required runes and not have to constantly buy more super compost. *note: using woad plants will prevent herb patches from dying, making plant cure unnecessary.
===== Quests requiring the skill =====
^ Quest ^ Required Level ^ Task ^ Experience ^ Notes ^
| [[guides:quests:correcting_history|Correcting History]] | 78 | - | - | Can be skipped |