**Pet Guide**
A pet is a non-combat NPC loyal to a player that is generally obtained from monster drops and skilling. Most pets are very rare drops from certain bosses or skilling activities. Some pets have special effects while others are purely cosmetic.
Pets may be stored in the bank or inventory, and will follow the player when dropped. Pets can also be stored in the [[skills:construction|Menagerie of the Player Owned House]].
A player may only have one pet following them at a time. If a player receives a pet while having a follower out, it will be placed into their inventory. If a players inventory is full and they have a follower already, they will find the pet in their bank or refund box. If a player dies with a pet following them, the pet will automatically follow them after death. There is no pet insurance system like OSRS as pets are never lost on death.
**Ex-Ex Parrot and Lucky Pets**
The Ex-Ex Parrot is one of the more significant pets on PkHonor. Regular players can obtain this pet from the Vote Shop for 500 Vote Points. Ironmen can obtain this pet from [[guides:clue_scrolls|Hard Clues]] or by handing in ancient artifacts at [[npcs:revenants]].
The Ex-ex parrot can be combined with most of the available pets, creating a "lucky" version of the pet. This will make the pet act like an ex-ex parrot, giving you +13% drop chance on all NPC drops. If you are fighting the boss from which the pet dropped, the lucky pet gives +16% drop chance. (Compared to 12% from the [[items:ring_of_wealth|Ring of Wealth]].) Lucky skilling pets provide no additional bonuses other than acting as a ex-ex parrot.
**Skilling Pets**
Whenever you gain experience in certain skills, you have a chance to receive a skilling pet. This can be done through any method, including xp lamps/effigies. The one exception is the Baby Chinchompa pet, which can only be obtained through specifically [[skills:hunter|chinchompa hunting]].
For each XP point you receive, there is a one in 400 million chance to receive a pet, so on average you will receive 1 skilling pet for each 400M XP you gain in a skill. If you have 2B XP in a skill your chance quadruples to 1 pet for each 100M XP on average.
Skilling pets can also be bought at the Donator Shop for 10,000 Donator Credits each.
^ Pet Name ^^ How to Obtain ^ Additional Information ^
| {{items:icons:13322.png?nolink|Beaver}} | Beaver | [[skills:woodcutting|Woodcutting]] | |
| {{items:icons:13320.png?nolink|Heron}} | Heron | [[skills:fishing|Fishing]] | |
| {{items:icons:20693.png?nolink|Phoenix}} | Phoenix | [[skills:firemaking|Firemaking]] | |
| {{items:icons:13321.png?nolink|Rock Golem}} | Rock Golem | [[skills:mining|Mining]] | Rock golems can be recolored by using a rock on them. Regular rocks are found in the Feldip hills south of Yanille, granite can be found at the quarry in the desert south of the bandit camp and elemental ore is found inside the elemental workshop, through the odd looking wall and down the stairs in Seers' village. |
| {{items:icons:20659.png?nolink|Giant Squirrel}} | Giant Squirrel | [[skills:agility|Agilty]] | |
| {{items:icons:20663.png?nolink|Rocky}} | Rocky | [[skills:thieving|Thieving]] | |
| {{items:icons:20661.png?nolink|Tangleroot}} | Tangleroot | [[skills:farming|Farming]] | |
| {{items:icons:20667.png?nolink|Rift Guardian}} | Rift Guardian | [[skills:runecrafting|Runecrafting]] | When runecrafting at any altar while having a rift guardian following you, it will change its color to match that of the crafted rune. |
| {{items:icons:13324.png?nolink|Baby Chinchompa}} | Baby Chinchompa | [[skills:hunter|Chinchompa Hunting]] | 1 in 100 chance for a golden chinchompa when using the Metamorphosis option. |
**Boss Pets**
All Boss Pets have a chance to block incoming attacks from their respective boss. This is signified by a glowing circle appearing around your pet. The Lucky versions have a higher chance of blocking attacks.
The Drop Rates of each individual boss pet can be found on the official [[stats:drops|Wiki Drops Page]]. This page will automatically update if any changes are made to the rates.
* If a boss pet is dropped as part of a kill, but the player who gets the loot already has that boss pet, and the killer is not in a clan with lootshare enabled, the pet drop will instead go to the person who dealt the second most damage (or a 3rd player if the second player also has a pet, etc). If everyone who dealt damage to that boss already has that pet, it'll go to the player who got the rest of the loot. This system ignores the lootshare settings of everyone except the killer.
* If a boss pet is dropped as part of a kill and the one who gets the loot is in a clan with lootshare enabled, the pet drop will go to the person with the most lootshare points. If that player already has the pet, it will go to the lootshare-eligible clan member with the second most lootshare points (or a 3rd member if the second member has a pet, etc). If every clan member in the area already has that pet, it'll go to the player who got the rest of the loot.
^ Pet Name ^^ How to Obtain ^ Additional Information ^
| {{items:icons:43036.png?nolink|Baby Corporeal Beast}} | Baby Corporeal Beast | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:corporeal_beast|Corporeal Beast]] | |
| {{items:icons:43038.png?nolink|Nexling}} | Nexling | 1 in 250 drop from [[npcs:nex|Nex]] | Acts as protection from any GWD minion (so none of the minions outside the GWD boss rooms will be aggressive toward you). |
| {{items:icons:11995.png?nolink|Chaos Elemental Jr.}} | Chaos Elemental Jr. | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:chaos_elemental|Chaos Elemental]] or 1 in 666.7 drop from [[npcs:chaos_fanatic|Chaos Fanatic]] | |
| {{items:icons:12643.png?nolink|Dagannoth Supreme Jr.}} | Dagannoth Supreme Jr. | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:dagannoth_supreme|Dagannoth Supreme]] | |
| {{items:icons:12644.png?nolink|Dagannoth Prime Jr.}} | Dagannoth Prime Jr. | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:dagannoth_prime|Dagannoth Prime]] | |
| {{items:icons:12645.png?nolink|Dagannoth Rex Jr.}} | Dagannoth Rex Jr. | 1 in 333.3 drop from [[npcs:dagannoth_rex|Dagannoth Rex]] | |
| {{items:icons:12646.png?nolink|Baby Mole}} | Baby Mole | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:giant_mole|Giant Mole]] | |
| {{items:icons:12649.png?nolink|Kree'Arra Jr.}} | Kree'Arra Jr. | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:kree_arra|Kree'Arra]] | |
| {{items:icons:12650.png?nolink|Graardor Jr.}} | Graardor Jr. | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:general_graardor|General Graardor]] | |
| {{items:icons:12651.png?nolink|Zilyana Jr.}} | Zilyana Jr. | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:commander_zilyana|Commander Zilyana]] | |
| {{items:icons:12652.png?nolink|K'ril Tsutsaroth Jr.}} | K'ril Tsutsaroth Jr. | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:kril_tsutsaroth|K'ril Tsutsaroth]] | |
| {{items:icons:12653.png?nolink|Prince Black Dragon}} | Prince Black Dragon | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:king_black_dragon|King Black Dragon]] | |
| {{items:icons:12647.png?nolink|Kalphite Princess}} | Kalphite Princess | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:kalphite_queen|Kalphite Queen]] | |
| {{items:icons:12648.png?nolink|Baby Smoke Devil}} | Baby Smoke Devil | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:thermonuclear_smoke_devil|Thermonuclear Smoke Devil]] | |
| {{items:icons:12655.png?nolink|Baby Kraken}} | Baby Kraken | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:kraken|Kraken]] | |
| {{items:icons:43040.png?nolink|Baby Wildywyrm}} | Baby Wildywyrm | 1 in 166.7 drop from [[npcs:wildywyrm|Wildywyrm]] | +20% PkHonor Points and [[minigames:pest_control|Pest Control]] points from [[npcs:wildywyrm|Wildywyrm kills]]. |
| {{items:icons:13177.png?nolink|Venenatis Jr.}} | Venenatis Jr. | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:venenatis|Venenatis]] | |
| {{items:icons:13247.png?nolink|Hellpuppy}} | Hellpuppy | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:cerberus|Cerberus]] | |
| {{items:icons:12921.png?nolink|Pet Snakeling}} | Pet Snakeling | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:zulrah|Zulrah]] | |
| {{items:icons:13225.png?nolink|TzRek-Jad}} | TzRek-Jad | 1 in 200 drop from [[npcs:tztok-jad|TzTok-Jad]], 1 in 100 on task, or 1 in 200 from trading in a Fire Cape | For 1500 Tokkul, [[minigames:tzhaar_fight_cave|Fight Caves]] starts at Wave 50. Lucky version increases [[npcs:tztok-jad|Jad's]] [[guides:clue_scrolls|Elite Clue Scroll]] drop rate from 1 in 12 to 1 in 8. |
| {{items:icons:21291.png?nolink|Jal-nib-rek}} | Jal-nib-rek | 1 in 100 drop from [[minigames:inferno|Inferno]], 1 in 75 drop on task, or 1 in 100 trading in an Infernal Cape | For 5,000 Tokkul, the [[minigames:inferno|Inferno]] will start from wave 50. |
| {{items:icons:13178.png?nolink|Callisto Cub}} | Callisto Cub | 1 in 333.3 drop from [[npcs:callisto|Callisto]] | |
| {{items:icons:13179.png?nolink|Vet'ion Jr.}} | Vet'ion Jr. | 1 in 333.3 drop from [[npcs:vetion|Vet'ion]] | |
| {{items:icons:13181.png?nolink|Scorpia's Offspring}} | Scorpia's Offspring | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:scorpia|Scorpia]] | |
| {{items:icons:13262.png?nolink|Abyssal Orphan}} | Abyssal Orphan | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:abyssal_sire|Abyssal Sire]] | |
| {{items:icons:21273.png?nolink|Skotos}} | Skotos | 1 in 200 drop from [[npcs:skotizo|Skotizo]] | |
| {{items:icons:21992.png?nolink|Vorki}} | Vorki | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:vorkath|Vorkath]] | |
| {{items:icons:13071.png?nolink|Chompy Chick}} | Chompy Chick | [[npcs:evil_chicken|Evil Chicken]] | |
| {{items:icons:22746.png?nolink|Ikkle Hydra}} | Ikkle Hydra | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:alchemical_hydra|Alchemical Hydra]] | |
| {{items:icons:43510.png?nolink|Baby Glacyte}} | Baby Glacyte | 1 in 1000 drop from [[npcs:glacor|Glacors]] | |
| {{items:icons:43486.png?nolink|Dhawhrok the Wretched}} | Dhawhrok the Wretched | 1 in 1250 drop from [[npcs:barrows_brothers|Dharok the Wretched]] | |
| {{items:icons:43488.png?nolink|Guthy the Infwested}} | Guthy the Infwested | 1 in 1250 drop from [[npcs:barrows_brothers|Guthan the Infested]] | |
| {{items:icons:43494.png?nolink|Lil' Verac the Defiled}} | Lil' Verac the Defiled | 1 in 1250 drop from [[npcs:barrows_brothers|Verac the Defiled]] | |
| {{items:icons:43496.png?nolink|Awhrim the Blighted}} | Awhrim the Blighted | 1 in 1250 drop from [[npcs:barrows_brothers|Ahrim the Blighted]] | |
| {{items:icons:43492.png?nolink|Torawg the Cawhrupted}} | Torawg the Cawhrupted | 1 in 1250 drop from [[npcs:barrows_brothers|Torag the Cawhrupted]] | |
| {{items:icons:43490.png?nolink|Kawrilly the Tainted}} | Kawrilly the Tainted | 1 in 1250 drop from [[npcs:barrows_brothers|Karill the Tainted]] | |
| {{items:icons:24491.png?nolink|Little Nightmare}} | Little Nightmare | 1 in 500 drop from [[npcs:nightmare_of_ashihama|Nightmare of Ashihama]] | |
**Metamorphic dust**
Metamorphic dust is a rare tertiary drop obtained upon completing a challenge mode [[guides:raids:chambers_of_xeric|Chambers of Xeric]] raid. It can be used on the Olmlet pet to turn it into an Olmlet (m) pet, which allows it to metamorphose into Tektiny, Vespina, Vasa Minirio, Vanguard, Enraged Tektiny, Flying Vespina, and Puppadile.
Players who complete the Chambers of Xeric Challenge Mode raid within a set amount of time will have a chance of receiving Metamorphic Dust, regardless of whether they own an Olmlet or not. In addition, only one Metamorphic Dust is required to obtain the ability to metamorphose the Olmlet into all other seven pets.
^ Pet Name ^^ How to Obtain ^
| {{items:icons:22473.png?nolink|Lil' Zik}} | Lil' Zik | 1 in 666.7 drop from [[guides:raids:theatre_of_blood|Theatre or Blood]] |
| {{items:icons:20851.png?nolink|Olmlet}} | Olmlet | Drop from [[guides:raids:chambers_of_xeric|Chambers of Xeric]]. |
| {{items:icons:43542.png?nolink|Olmlet (m)}} | Olmlet (m) | Using Metamorphic Dust on an Olmlet. |
| {{items:icons:22378.png?nolink|Tektiny}} | Tektiny | Metamorphizing an Olmlet (m). |
| {{items:icons:22384.png?nolink|Vespina}} | Vespina | Metamorphizing an Olmlet (m). |
| {{items:icons:22382.png?nolink|Vasa Minirio}} | Vasa Minirio | Metamorphizing an Olmlet (m). |
| {{items:icons:22380.png?nolink|Vanguard}} | Vanguard | Metamorphizing an Olmlet (m). |
| {{items:icons:24656.png?nolink|Enraged Tektiny}} | Enraged Tektiny | Metamorphizing an Olmlet (m). |
| {{items:icons:24658.png?nolink|Flying Vespina}} | Flying Vespina | Metamorphizing an Olmlet (m). |
| {{items:icons:22376.png?nolink|Puppadile}} | Puppadile | Metamorphizing an Olmlet (m). |
The Bloodhound Pet can also be obtained while completing Treasure Trails. Every time you complete a clue step, you have a chance at receiving the Bloodhound pet. The chance will depend on the tier of the clue step you're completing:
* Easy - 1/5000
* Medium - 1/4250
* Hard - 1/3500
* Elite - 1/3000
* Master - 1/2500
^ Pet Name ^^ How to Obtain ^
| {{items:icons:19730.png?nolink|Bloodhound}} | Bloodhound | [[guides:clue_scrolls|Master Clues]] |
If you have a Lucky Bloodhound following you while completing a clue step, there's a 5% chance that you'll complete an extra clue step. This effect can trigger multiple times for the same clue scroll.
There are several other pets in PkHonor that are purely cosmetic. Some can be made lucky, while others can not.
^ Pet Name ^^ How to Obtain ^ Additional Information ^
| {{items:icons:7759.png?nolink|Toy Soldier}} | Toy Soldier | Made at [[skills:construction|Crafting Table in PoH]]. | |
| {{items:icons:7763.png?nolink|Toy Doll}} | Toy Doll | Made at [[skills:construction|Crafting Table in PoH]]. | |
| {{items:icons:7767.png?nolink|Toy Mouse}} | Toy Mouse | Made at [[skills:construction|Crafting Table in PoH]]. | |
| {{items:icons:7771.png?nolink|Toy Cat}} | Toy Cat | Made at [[skills:construction|Crafting Table in PoH]]. | |
| {{items:icons:43002.png?nolink|Snow Imp}} | Snow Imp | *2014 Christmas Event | Throws snowballs at nearby players. |
| {{items:icons:6722.png?nolink|Zombie Head}} | Zombie Head | *2014 Halloween Event | None |
| {{items:icons:11026.png?nolink|Chocolate Kebbit}} | Chocolate Kebbit | *2015 Easter Event | None |
| {{items:icons:43388.png?nolink|Pet Nylocas}} | Pet Nylocas | *[[https://forums.pkhonor.net/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=78444|PkHonor 10 Year Anniversary Event]] | |
| {{items:icons:43452.png?nolink|Vampyre bat}} | Vampyre bat | *Ingame Event | |
| {{items:icons:43470.png?nolink|Chocolate Chicken}} | Chocolate Chicken | *Ingame Event | |
| {{items:icons:43042.png?nolink|Awwvatar of Destruction}} | Awwvatar of Destruction | Not Obtainable. Currently only one ingame. | |
| {{items:icons:43044.png?nolink|Awwvatar of Creation}} | Awwvatar of Creation | Not Obtainable. Currently only one ingame. | |
[[items:larrans_keys|Larran's Jr]] has an additional effect when killing bosses in the wilderness. When followed by Larran's Jr, each wilderness boss kill has a chance to roll the Larran's additional drop table. The lucky pet increases the chance to hit the table by 20%.
Every item on the table is weighted equally.
* 20x Super combat potion(4)
* 10x Overload(4)
* 30x Cooked karambwan
* Crystal key
* 15x Anti-venom+(4)
* 10x Sanfew serum(4)
* 5x Extended super antifire(4)
* 50x Dragon arrowtips
* 100x Dragon bolts (unf)
* 100x Saradomin brew(4)
* 20x Runite bar
* 200x Coal