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TODO: More Details on Equipment Requirement. Training Methods.

A Guide for training Combat skills can be found here.

99 Cape Defence Cape
Players with 200M 4,181
as of 09/07/2019
Players with 2B 575
as of 09/07/2019

Defence is one of the primary combat skills that grants players protection in all forms of combat. Defence is one of the skills that will raise the combat level of a player regardless of other skill levels. For this reason, many pures leave their defence at a certain level and stop training it. They range from 1 Defence pures, to Initiate pures (level 20-25), rune pures (level 40/42), Berserker pures (level 45), and Barrows pures (level 70). All of the above may be considered as a type of 'pure'. Some players may choose to only train Defence, and are known as just 'Defence pures'.

The higher a target's Defence level, the less likely one is to land successful attacks (damage greater than zero) against said target. As such, it is a vital skill in high-level PvM and PvP situations. Defence does not decrease the amount of damage that an opponent can deal against you.

Magical defence is different - it is based on 70% of the player's Magic level, while the remaining 30% is the player's Defence level, which is then followed by the player's magical defence bonus from their armour.

A player's Defence level also determines which equipment they are able to wear, as most pieces of armour or other equipment have a Defence level requirement.

Equipment Requirements

Almost every single piece of combat equipment (except for the ones that go on the weapon, cape, ring, and amulet slots) requires a certain Defence level to wear.

Armour Requirements

defence Level Armour Other Requirements
1 Bronze Med Helm Bronze Armour None
1 Iron Med Helm Iron Armour None
5 Steel Med Helm Steel Armour None
10 Black Med Helm Black Armour None
20 Mithril Med Helm Mithril Armour None
30 Adamant Med Helm Adamant Armour None
40 Rune Med Helm Rune Armour None
40 Rock-Shell Plate Rock Shell Armour None
42 Void Knight Top Void Knight Equipment None
45 Berserker Helm Fremennik Helmets None
60 Dragon Med Helm Dragon Armour None
60 Obsidian Helmet Obsidian Armour None
65 Bandos Chestplate Bandos Armour None
65 3rd Age Full Helmet 3rd Age Melee Armour None
60 Avernic Defender Avernic Defender 70 Attack
70 Dharok's Helm Barrows Armour None
70 Armadyl Helmet Armadyl Armour 70 Ranged
70 Neitiznot Faceguard Neitiznot Faceguard None
75 Dragonfire Shield Dragonfire Shield None
75 Justiciar Faceguard Justiciar Armour None
75 Serpentine Helm Serpentine Helm None
78 Statius's Full Helm Ancient Warrior Armour None
80 Ferocious Gloves Ferocious Gloves 80 Attack
80 Torva Full Helm Torva Armour 80 Hitpoints and The Last Journey Quest
80 Pernix Cowl Pernix Armour 80 Hitpoints, 80 Ranged and The Last Journey Quest
80 Virtus Mask Virtus Armour 80 Hitpoints, 80 Magic and The Last Journey Quest

Temporary Boosts

Boost Level Increase Other info
Defence Potion (4) Defence Potion 3-12 Boosts Defence by (Level * 0.1 + 3)
Super Defence (4) Super Defence 5-19 Boosts Defence by (Level * 0.15 + 4)
Super Combat Potion (4) Super Combat Potion 5-19 Boosts Attack, Strength and Defence by (Level * 0.15 + 4)
Saradomin Brew (4) Saradomin Brew 3-16 Boosts Defence by (Level * 0.2 + 2) and Hitpoints by (Level * 0.15 + 2). Brews can heal up to 14 over your maximum HP (stacks with gear bonuses)
Overload (4) Overload 5-26 Boosts Attack, Strength, and Defence by (Level * 0.22 + 5)

Useful Items

Item Effects
Brawling Gloves (melee) Brawling Gloves (melee) 30% Additional Experience

Combat Attack AttackStrength StrengthDefence DefenceHitpoints HitpointsMagic MagicRanged RangedPrayer Prayer
Gathering Woodcutting WoodcuttingMining MiningFishing FishingHunter HunterFarming Farming
Production Cooking CookingCrafting CraftingFletching FletchingHerblore HerbloreRunecrafting RunecraftingSmithing Smithing
Utility Agility AgilityConstruction ConstructionFiremaking FiremakingSlayer SlayerThieving Thieving

skills/defence.1668013179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/09 16:59 by Iron adam