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[FAQ] Questions & Answers
Forum Related Questions:
I forgot my in-game password/pin, how do I recover it?
You'll have to make a recovery in the 'Recovery' section. Use the '::recovery' command in-game, or just click the link here.
When you arrive at the 'Recovery' section, click the 'READ ME BEFORE POSTING Recovery Format (ENGLISH)' topic, and copy the corresponding format that is given.
Next, return to the 'Recovery' section, and click 'Post a new topic'. Paste the format there, and fill it in with your details.
Recoveries usually get handled every 1-4 days (4 days being the extreme maximum), so you'll require some patience.
An alternative way is to link your account to your e-mail on the forums beforehand, so if you forget your pin or password, you can recover it with your e-mail.
How do I get unbanned/unmuted?
You'll have to make an appeal in the 'Appeal' section. Use the '::appeal' command in-game, or just click here.
When arrived there, click the 'READ ME BEFORE MAKING AN APPEAL' topic, and copy the corresponding format that is given.
Next, return to the 'Appeal' section, and click 'Post a new topic'. Paste the format there, and fill it in with your details.
Appeals are usually get handled every 1-3 days (3 days being the extreme maximum), so you'll require some patience.
I lost items due to an in-game glitch, hack, scam, or other in-game issue. Can I get them refunded?
You'll have to make a refund in the 'Refund' section. Use the '::refund' command in-game, or just click the link here.
When arrived there, click the 'How to make the perfect refund request [READ ME]' topic, and copy the corresponding format that is given.
Next, return to the 'Refund' section, and click 'Post a new topic'. Paste the format there, and fill it in with your details.
Refunds are usually handled every 1-4 days (4 days being the extreme maximum), so you'll require some patience.
I want a refund on my donation, is that possible?
Alright, first off; be sure you've read our 'Refund Policy', and that your refund follows them.
If so, feel free to go to the 'Donating' section; and click the 'How to post a donation problem or refund request'.
Read the topic's content, and follow what's stated in there.
I am having a problem regarding my donation, could I get some help?
Go to this topic, and read its content.
When deciding to post a topic about your problem, copy the format that is given in the thread, and create a topic by clicking the 'Post a new topic' button in the 'Donating' section.
Paste the format in your topic, and fill in all the required details. Problems usually are handled every 1-3 weeks (3 weeks being the extreme maximum), so you'll require some patience.
A player broke one of our rules, can I report them?
Yes, you sure can. First, go to the 'How to report a player' topic, and read its content.
When you are done reading, copy the correct formats (for both the title & the content), make a new thread by clicking the 'Post a new topic' button in the 'Report a Player' section, and paste the formats in there. Fill it in correctly, and post your report.
Your report will be checked for validity, and the punishment will be determined by the Staff Member that handles your report.
A report usually gets handled within 12-24 hours (24 hours being the extreme maximum).
A staff member broke one of the rules/abused their power, can I report them?
Yes, you sure can. First, go to the 'How to report a staff member' topic, and read its content.
When you are done reading, copy the correct format, create a new thread by clicking the 'Post a new topic' button in the 'Report a Staff Member' section, and paste the formats in there.
Fill it in correctly, and post your report. Don't forget that you'll require a lot of proof to support your accusation.
Your report will be checked for validity, and the staff member will be punished accordingly if found to be guilty.
These reports can take a long time to be evaluated and looked over by the higher staff team members, so patience is well appreciated in these cases.
I found a small in-game glitch, can I report it?
Yes, you can! First, check the 'Report an In-Game Glitch' section, if the glitch you're wanting to report isn't already posted by someone else.
If not, feel free to click the 'Post a new topic' button and address the glitch in as much detail as you possibly can (screenshots will help greatly).
I found a major/game-breaking glitch, can I report it?
Yes, you can. You might even get a reward for reporting it! Instead of posting it on the forums, you'll be better off reporting these glitches to a high staff member (Mike/Rapsey).
Just send them a private message on the forums, and there will be a big chance of you getting rewarded (if it indeed is a major/big glitch).
I found a glitch on the forums, can I report them?
Yes, you can.
Create a new topic in the 'Report a website/Forums Glitch' section.
How can I register onto the forums?
Maurits, our Former Head Administrator, created a terrific guide about this. It can be found here.
How do I reply to/post a topic?
Maurits, our former Head Administrator, created a terrific guide about this. It can be found here.
How can I post a YouTube in its actual video form?
Usually, YouTube video URLs look like the following: ''.
However, to make it an actual video, you'll have to take away everything before the 'watch?v=' (so, in this example it would leave just the 'n6cpesFUoP4'). Put what is left between these:
So it will look something like this:
How can I use the in-game ::thread command?
Brandon created an excellent guide about this. Check it out right here.
How do I post a screenshot/picture on the forums?
The user 'Systex' made an in-depth guide about this. Check it out right here.
In-game Related Questions:
How do I check my PkPoints?
Just type '::mypks' ingame. It'll give you a message showing you your current amount of PkPoints.
What can I do with my PkPoints?
You can spend them in the PkHonor Exchange Shop (which is accessible by trading the 'PkHonor Shop Salesman' at '::shops'). You can buy items like Chaotic weapons, the PvP-armors, the Dwarf Multicannon parts and much more.
How do I get PkHonor Points?
You can get PkHonor Points by skilling, Player Killing, killing the WildyWyrm or Revenants, doing the Zombie minigame, the Fight Pits, and the Fight Cave.
What is the fastest method for PkHonor Points per hour?
Killing the WildyWyrm is (can be up to 400 PkHonor Points an hour, when using the right gear). Player Killing can also be a great method if you are adept at it, and Woodcutting with an Inferno Adze is great as well (averages out to around 200-250 PkHonor Points an hour [Premium Players only]).
For a more in-depth guide, go here.
How can I vote?
Use the in-game command '::vote', or use the 'Vote' button on the downloadable client. These will forward you to a voting page with different voting sites, this is where you will have to enter a Captcha(s). When you have correctly filled in the Captcha, click the 'Click to vote for the server button'. When done correctly, your vote will be processed and you will get an in-game message saying:
You have received # voting points! You can spend these in the voting shop!.
How do I claim my vote reward?
Trade the 'Voting Shop Salesman', who is just east of the Varrock fountain (south of the 'Junk Store Salesman', and north of the 'Donator Shop Salesman'). These are the things you can buy:
Item | Price/requirements |
Coins (1,000,000/1M) | 1 vote point |
PkHonor points (1) | 1 vote point |
Donator credits (1) | 2 vote points |
Advanced mystery box | 1000 vote points |
Brown afro | 500 vote points |
1 powdered wig | |
Rainbow afro | 250 vote points |
1 brown afro | |
Black partyhat | 1500 vote points |
1 partyhat set (white, red, yellow, purple & green) |
Rainbow partyhat | 750 vote points |
1 black partyhat | |
1 rainbow afro | |
Colored dark bow (blue, green, yellow or white) | 200 vote points |
1 dark bow | |
Ex-ex-parrot | 500 vote points |
2 rings of wealth |
How many times can I vote per day?
You can vote every 12 hours or 24 hours on some sites.
Do Donator/Premium users get a higher voting reward?
Yes, they do. Donators get 1/3 more than normal users, and Premium users get 2/3 more than normal users.
I didn't gain any points after I voted?
Type '::votes' to be 100% sure you haven't gained the points.
What are Donator Credits, and what can I do with them?
Donator Credits are the points you can donate for (go to ::donate for more info about donating). The points can be spend at the 'Donator Shop Salesman' (east of the Varrock fountain, just south of the 'Voting Shop Salesman'), for items such as the Mystery Box, Fire Cape, Donator Status, Premium Status, Honor Status or any of the 8 custom whips.
Can I do a custom donation, for a specific item, experience or anything else?
No, Hamadé (our former owner), used to do 'Custom Donations'. However, Mike and Rapsey, our current owners/programmers, will not do so. You can only buy the items which are in the Donator Store.
How much does Donator&Premium status cost?
Those two together, cost 5000 donator points. Which, alone, is exactly $42.50. Or 4B for Donator and 5B for Premium with in-game currency.
*You must be a Donator before upgrading to Premium status
What can Honors do?
Honors are basically Administrators, without the tools to punish players/read logs. They can spawn whatever item they like, teleport (almost) everywhere and to anyone, transform into almost any monster, copy anyone's bank, and max every skill within an instant. Also, there is no way to transfer your items to a regular account (not through staking/PvP/trading, there is NO way). For more info, go here.
How do I check out which monster drops what?
Just go here. All info required will be on there.
What is the best loot I can get out of the easy/medium/hard/elite casket?
There is not really a 'best loot' for the 3 basic caskets. However, there is for the elite casket (which is the magic stone). For the drop tables of the clue caskets go here.
I don't understand my clue scroll, how can I solve it?
There is a all-in-one guide written on how to solve clue scrolls, which can be found right here.
Is my clue scroll worth doing? Depends on which level it is. If it's easy/medium; I am rather sure it isn't worth it. If it's hard, it's debatable. And when it is an elite clue scroll; you should surely do it (casket can sell for 900m-1.2b)
How do I get to the Taverly Dungeon?
'Skilling Teleport' » 'More skilling zones..' » 'Farming'. When you have arrived there, talk to 'Dantaera' (the blonde lady with the watering can). 'Teleport to a tree patch' » 'Taverly'. Run South-West, until you see a red '!' on the minimap. Go to the red '!', and climb down the ladder.
How do I get to Ape Atoll?
'Combat Training Teleport' » 'lvl 91 - 126: Ape Atoll'.
How do I get to the Monkey Skeletons?
First, teleport to Ape Atoll ('Combat Training Teleport' » 'lvl 91 - 126: Ape Atoll'). Go down any of the 2 stairs, and when you went down; run to the east side of the room. There will be a 'Trapdoor' located. When this trapdoor is clicked, it will bring you to the Monkey Skeleton Liar.
Where are 'Shades' located?
Shades are located at the Barrows Minigame, or can be placed in a player owned house's dungeon. To get to the Barrows Minigame: 'Minigames Teleport' » 'Barrows'.
Is there any staff online?
Type '::staff' ingame. The staff members on that list are online.
Can I apply for Helper?
No, you cannot apply for Helper. Helpers are selected out of knowledgeable and nice players, and get promoted by our Staff Manager 'Billy' (asking about it won't help you).
Can I apply for Moderator?
Yes you can, but there are some requirements linked to it. Info about applying can be found right here.
How do I get a Fire Cape?
There are two methods of getting one. The first one being to complete the TzHaar Fight Cave Minigame. The second one being to buy one for 250 Donator Credits in the Donator Store (which is found east of the Varrock fountain, just south of the 'Voting Shop Salesman').
How do I know with what attack Jad is going to hit next?
Since we have no sound, you get chat-messages instead (so you'll know what to pray). The chatbox will say 'TzTok-Jad his next attack will be #' (# being any of the 3 combat styles).
Will Jad's healers actually heal him?
No, they won't. The only thing they actually do is hit you with Melee (but they're able to be easily trapped behind Jad).
How many waves does the TzHaar Fight Caves/Jad Minigame have?
Just as many as in RuneScape (63). Usually doing the TzHaar Fight Caves doesn't take as long as in RuneScape, but it can still take up to 50-60 minutes.
How do I play Pest Control?
There's an in-depth guide on Pest Control and its rewards, check it out right here.
What are the level requirements for the Void Equipment? All the pieces have the same requirements, which are:
- Level 42 Attack
- Level 42 Defence
- Level 42 Strength
- Level 42 Hitpoints
- Level 42 Magic
- Level 42 Ranged
- Level 22 Prayer
How many points are a Void Knight Set?
A set (so only the Top, Robe, Helm & Gloves) are 300 Pest Control Points. However, if you're talking about every equipment piece (including the mace) it'd be 490 points.
How much does the Ancient Curses Prayer Book cost?
You can check your personal price by interacting with the Ancient looking altar at Edgeville. The formula to calculate it, would be:
3500 - <NUMBER OF 99s>*100
However, when you're a premium user; it's totally free! (keep in mind that when you'd un-equip your premium status; it won't be free anymore if you didn't pay the original fee). You then will have access to the Ancient Curses Prayer Book (also keep in mind; you'll still have to pay 150 PkPoints/hr when using the curses, even when you're a premium).
How do I get unlimited Ancient Curses?
After unlocking the Ancient Curses Prayer Book (watch FAQ above this one for info about unlocking it), you'll be able to pay 3.000 PkHonor Points & 3 1b Tickets for endless Ancient Curses (interact with the Ancient Altar at Edgeville to do so).
Are there level requirements to Ancient Curses?
Yes there is one; level 20 defense.
I cannot gain any Defence/Attack experience, how can I fix this?
Just type ::unlockdef/::unlockatt to fix it. If that doesn't work, you might want to try type ::unlock. Your experience could just be locked (also check if you're using the correct combat style).
How do I level up my Slayer?
'Combat Teleport' » 'Slayer' » 'X difficulty Tasks'.
Talk to 'Slayer Master', and select the 'Can you assign me a slayer task?' option.
How do I reset my Slayer Task?
Yes, you surely can. It, however, will cost you 20x(your streak) or you can reset it for free, but you'll lose the streak you've gathered up so far.. To reset your task talk to 'Slayer Master' and select the 'Cancel my current task for x' option.
What can I do with my Slayer Points?
Slayer points can be used to charge a Morph Ring, give access to the Cyclopses at the Warriors Guild, create the Slayer Helmet, buy any of the 3 necklaces (which are in the Slayer Store) enchant a Salve Amulet or buy Slayer EXP lamps (which give 150k Slayer points).
How do I get Slayer Points?
You gain Slayer Points by killing your assigned Slayer Monster, finishing your Slayer Task, killing Bork or the Revenants in the Wilderness.
How do I check how many Slayer Monsters I still have to kill?
Buy an Enchanted Gem from the Slayer Store (for 1gp). 'Skilling Teleport' » 'More skilling zones..' » 'More skilling zones..' » 'Slayer'. Trade 'Slayer Master' to access the Slayer Store.
How do I get an easier Slayer Task?
'Skilling Teleport' » 'More skilling zones..' » 'More skilling zones..' » 'Slayer'. Talk to 'Slayer Masterl', and select the 'I would like an easier task' option. If you already have an easy task, you might want to fully reset your task.
How can I start training RuneCrafting?
Firstly, get yourself some Rune Essence (which are found in the supplies store at ::shops/gained from hunting 'Essence Implings'). Teleport home, using the 'Home Teleport', and run to the magic store (just west of the fountain/portal). Talk to the 'Zamorak Mage' which is standing just in front of the building, and click the 'Teleport me to the Abyss' option. You'll now be teleported to the Abyss. On arrival, run just a bit to the North-East, until you see some rift with an White-ish icon flashing in it. Check if it is the 'Air rift'. If so, feel free to go through it; it will teleport you right into the Air Altar.
Use this guide for more information.
How do I access the Grand Exchange?
Find any Bank Booth, right-click it, and select 'Access-Exchange'. If you have the right amount of time played (more than 30 minutes) you'll be able to access the Grand Exchange.
How do I get a Blurite Crossbow?
You can buy/lend it off other players, but you can also make one yourself; Hayden made a splendid guide about it, check it out right here.
How do I go to Crash Island?
You'll require Crash Island teleport tablets for that, which only can be made while doing/when finished the Pest Invasion quest (and no, they are not tradeable).
I lost my Crash Island teleport tablets, can I get them back?
Yes, you indeed can. However, it might take some time. First, buy/get yourself AT LEAST 1 soft clay, 1 law rune & 3 air runes. Teleport to Pest Control ('Minigame Teleport' » 'Pest Control') and talk to the 'Squire' which is standing on the North of the bay (just west of the boat). Click the 'Travel to port sarim' option. On arrival in Port Sarim, run North West, up to 'Seaman Lorris'. Talk to him and select the 'Travel to Karamja' option. Or you can go to the Graahk Hunting area ('Skilling Teleports' » 'More' » 'More' » 'Hunter', then talk to the Hunter master and click 'More Hunting Areas' » 'More' » Graahk) and follow another path.
When arrived at the lectern, click it. It should create a 'Crash Island Teletab'. Feel free to use it, but keep in mind to pick up more tablets on Crash Island itself before leaving. Otherwise you have to do this all over again.
I accidentally withdrew too much money, and now the money is gone!
If it isn't on the floor; feel free to go to your refund box and check if the money didn't end up in there (which is accessible by trading the 'Refund Box Keeper', which is just south-east of the fountain at Varrock).
What do I get for finishing the Achievements?
There are three actual rewards for finishing Achievements, which are:
- 20 Achievements: Access to Dagannoth Kings.
- 26 Achievements: Access to the Kalphite Queen.
- 38 Achievements: 3x Drop rate on Hand Cannons & Dragon Defenders.
- Get access to the 'The Last Journey' quest.
How do I reset/setlevel a skill?
Follow this guide.
Where is the WildyWyrm located?
Follow this guide.
What does the WildyWyrm drop?
The WildyWyrm has a 1/1000 drop chance of dropping a Blood Diamond, as well as his 100% guaranteed PkHonor Points/Pest Control Points reward, which works like following:
Premium Users: 150 PKP & 50 PCP. Donators: 105 PKP & 35 PCP. Regular: 75 PKP & 25 PCP.
For more info/a guide about the WildyWyrm, click here.
What does Bork drop?
When Bork is killed, and his daily-bonus is active; you'll get 200,000 Slayer experience & 100 Slayer points (both can be influenced by the use of Slayer Brawlers). If the daily-bonus isn't active; he'll only reward you with 6 Slayer Points.
Which are the best bones in-game?
Frost Dragon bones are. They give 5,000 Prayer Experience when just buried in the ground, and 20,000 when used on an altar (it can even go higher when using Prayer Brawlers & House Bonus).
How do I get to Frost Dragons?
Check the guide out, right here.
How do I get to Green Dragons?
To access the Green Dragons; interact with the 'Pk Portal' in Edgeville, and select the 'Green Dragons' option. This will directly teleport you to the Green Dragons spot (and yes, there are only Green Dragons in the Wilderness).
How do I make # potion?
Access our Herblore Guide right here. It'll have almost all potions explained in it.
How can I start training Crafting?
Go to the crafting store at ::shops. Buy a chisel & Uncut Opals, and use the chisel on the opals, you'll start earning Crafting XP. For a full guide on all the Crafting Items, go here
How can I start training Hunter?
'Skilling Teleport' » 'More skilling zones..' » 'More skilling zones..' » 'Hunter' Talk to the 'Hunting Expert' and click the 'What do you have for sale' option. Buy a 'Noose Wand', equip it, and start 'Inspecting' the holes & tunnels North of the Hunting Expert. For a 1-99 guide, and all extra information about Hunter go here.
What do Gloves of Silence do?
They give you the ability to be 100% successful when pickpocketing any NPC, and gives you 15% more experience from all ways of thieving.
What do Spotted Capes do?
They give you 20% more agility experience from all ways of training Agility.
What do Spottier Capes do?
They give you 70% more agility experience from all ways of training Agility (Donator+).
How do I get the Gloves of Silence?
Use a needle & thread on Dark Kebbit Fur (which is gained from hunting the Dark Kebbits at the 'Falconry Hunter Area' with a falcon from the Hunting shop).
How do I get a Spotted Cape?
Use a needle & thread on Spotted Kebbit Fur (which is gained from hunting the Spotted Kebbits at the 'Falconry Hunter Area' with a falcon from the Hunting shop).
How do I get a Spottier Cape?
Use a needle & thread on Dashing Kebbit Fur (which is gained from hunting the Dashing Kebbits at the 'Falconry Hunter Area' with a falcon from the Hunting shop).
Do the Hunter outfits also give you extra % chance on rare loots?
No, only the 'Strung Rabbit Foot' gives an actual better chance at looting rare items. The outfit does, however, make catching a hunter animal quicker, making it useful to wear.
How do I get a Magic Stone?
Magic Stones are looted from Elite Caskets, which are gained by finishing Elite Clue Scrolls, or buying them from other players.
What is the Magic Stone used for?
The Magic Stone is used to create a Magic Chest in the POH dungeon, Magical Cape rack (used to untrim enchanted Completionist capes), or to create a Demonic Throne in the POH throne room (this, however, costs 2 magic stones). A level 8-treasure key (which you can get from killing Nomad in your own Player Owned House) can be used on the Magic Chest, for a 15% chance on a Morph Ring.
How do I defeat Nomad?
Elite Reborn made an excellent guide about it, check it out right here.
How do I transform into the Grim Reaper/Death NPC?
You'll first need a Morph Ring, which is gained by using level 8-treasure keys on a Magic Chest in your Player Owned House dungeon. When right-clicking the Morph Ring, you'll have to charge it (to 1000 charges, to be exact). There are three possible ways of re-charging the ring. The first one is converting Slayer Points into Charges. To convert these, right-click the Morph Ring and select the 'Add Charges' option. Here you'll be able to convert 50 slayer points into 1 charge. The second method of charging your Morph Ring is by having it in your inventory while killing other players (in the wilderness, for example). Every kill will result in exactly one charge. The third method is killing Nomad in your own Player-owned house and opening the Magic chest with the Level 8 Treasure key.
What is the maximum amount of experience in a skill?
Our maximum is set to 2,000,000,000 experience, which is equal to two billion.
How do I see my total experience?
There are two ways: search yourself on the highscores (by using ::highscores), or hover over your total level in your skills tab. It'll show you exactly how much total experience you have at the moment.
How do I get to the slayer tower?
Go to your magic tab, then click “skilling”. Go to the last page, and click slayer. Click on “Duradel/Slayer tower (elite tasks with wilderness tasks”)