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Armour/Highest bonuses

This guide will go into the BIS (best in slot) equipment for all specific combat styles and even each specific stat. It will show the highest bonus equipment for the specified bonus. This list may change over time as new items are released.

Attack bonuses


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Fighter Hat Fighter Hat +5 No stat requirements
Amulet of Torture Amulet of Torture +15 No stat requirements
Torva Platebody Torva Platebody +0 80 80
Torva Platelegs Torva Platelegs +0 80 80
Steadfast Boots Steadfast Boots +3 85
Completionist Cape (Unholy) Completionist Cape (Unholy) +30 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Dragon Defender Dragon Defender +25 60
Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Treasonous Ring (i) Treasonous Ring (i) +8 No stat requirements
Chaotic Rapier Chaotic Rapier +94 80
Zamorakian Spear Zamorakian Spear +85 70


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Warrior Helm Warrior Helm +5 No stat requirements
Amulet of Torture Amulet of Torture +15 No stat requirements
Torva Platebody Torva Platebody +0 80 80
Torva Platelegs Torva Platelegs +0 80 80
Steadfast Boots Steadfast Boots +3 85
Completionist Cape (Unholy) Completionist Cape (Unholy) +30 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Dragon Defender Dragon Defender +24 60
Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Warrior Ring (i) Warrior Ring (i) +8 No stat requirements
Unholy Whip Unholy Whip (or Whip of Balance w/ Unholy Comp) +114/+104 70
Armadyl Godsword Armadyl Godsword +132 75
TOTAL BONUS +201 +191 with reg comp/Unholy whip, +205 with AGS


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Fighter Hat Fighter Hat +5 No stat requirements
Amulet of Torture Amulet of Torture +15 No stat requirements
Torva Platebody Torva Platebody +0 80 80
Torva Platelegs Torva Platelegs +0 80 80
Steadfast Boots Steadfast Boots +3 85
Completionist Cape (Unholy) Completionist Cape (Unholy) +30 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Dragon Defender Dragon Defender +23 60
Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Tyrannical Ring (i) Tyrannical Ring (i) +8 No stat requirements
Dragon Warhammer Dragon Warhammer +95 60
Abyssal Bludgeon Abyssal Bludgeon +102 70 70
TOTAL BONUS +191 +175 with Bludgeon, but has better attack speed


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Pernix Cowl Pernix Cowl +14 80 80 80
Amulet of Ranging Amulet of Ranging +15 No stat requirements
Pernix Body Pernix Body +38 80 80 80
Pernix Chaps Pernix Chaps +25 80 80 80
Pegasian Boots Pegasian Boots +12 75 75
Completionist Cape (Unholy) Completionist Cape (Unholy) +30 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, Ava's assembler, max cape, and Ava's Accumulator can be used as replacements, in that order
Dragonfire Ward Dragonfire Ward +15 No stat requirements
Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Archers' Ring (i) Archers' Ring (i) +8 No stat requirements
Armadyl/Chaotic Crossbow Armadyl/Chaotic Crossbow +100/120 70/80 … The CCB has a higher accuracy stat than the ACB but because of its spec the ACB is generally considered better
Heavy Ballista Heavy Ballista +125 75
TOTAL BONUS +269 +289 with CCB, 279 with Heavy Ballista


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Third-age Druidic Wreath Third-age Druidic Wreath +10 No stat requirements
Occult Necklace Occult Necklace +24 No stat requirements
Third-age Druidic Robe Top Third-age Druidic Robe Top +37 No stat requirements
Third-age Druidic Robe Bottom Third-age Druidic Robe Bottom +27 No stat requirements
Eternal Boots Eternal Boots +8 75 75
Completionist Cape (Magic) Completionist Cape (Magic) +30 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. 3a Druidic Cloak, Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Arcane Spirit Shield Arcane Spirit Shield +20 65 75 70
Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +6 34
Seers' Ring (i) Seers' Ring (i) +8 No stat requirements
Toxic Staff Toxic Staff +25 75 75

Defence bonuses


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Torva Full Helm Torva Full Helm +68 80 80
Amulet of Fury Amulet of Fury +15 No stat requirements
Torva Platebody Torva Platebody +156 80 80
Torva Platelegs Torva Platelegs +112 80 80
Primordial Boots Primordial Boots +22 75
Completionist Cape (Holy) Completionist Cape (Holy) +40 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Elysian Spirit Shield Elysian Spirit Shield +63 75 75
Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Ring of Suffering (i) Ring of Suffering (i) +20 No stat requirements
Holy Whip Holy Whip (or Zamorakian Hasta w/ Holy comp) +20/+13 70
TOTAL BONUS +521 +508 with reg comp and Holy Whip


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Torva Full Helm Torva Full Helm +73 80 80
Amulet of Fury Amulet of Fury +15 No stat requirements
Torva Platebody Torva Platebody +140 80 80
Torva Platelegs Torva Platelegs +100 80 80
Primordial Boots Primordial Boots +22 75
Completionist Cape (Holy) Completionist Cape (Holy) +40 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Elysian Spirit Shield Elysian Spirit Shield +65 75 75
Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Ring of Suffering (i) Ring of Suffering (i) +20 No stat requirements
Holy Whip Holy Whip (or Zamorakian Hasta w/ Holy comp) +20/+13 70
TOTAL BONUS +500 +487 with reg comp and Holy Whip


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Torva Full Helm Torva Full Helm +65 80 80
Amulet of Fury Amulet of Fury +15 No stat requirements
Torva Platebody Torva Platebody +120 80 80
Torva Platelegs Torva Platelegs +95 80 80
Primordial Boots Primordial Boots +22 75
Completionist Cape (Holy) Completionist Cape (Holy) +40 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Elysian Spirit Shield Elysian Spirit Shield +63 75 75
Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Ring of Suffering (i) Ring of Suffering (i) +20 No stat requirements
Holy Whip Holy Whip (or Zamorakian Hasta w/ Holy comp) +20/+12 70
TOTAL BONUS +464 +450 with reg comp and Holy Whip


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Head Slot Torva Full Helm Torva Full Helm +74 80 80
Neck Slot Amulet of Fury Amulet of Fury +15 No stat requirements
Torso Slot Torva Platebody Torva Platebody +160 80 80
Legs Slot Torva Platelegs Torva Platelegs +125 80 80
Boot Slot Pegasian Boots Pegasian Boots (or Eternal Boots) +5 75 75
Cape Slot Completionist Cape (Holy) Completionist Cape (Holy) +40 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Shield Slot Granite Shield Granite Shield +65 50
Gloves Slot Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Ring Slot Ring of Suffering (i) Ring of Suffering (i) +20 No stat requirements
Weapon Slot Holy Whip Holy Whip (or Zamorakian Hasta w/ Holy comp) +20/+13 70
TOTAL BONUS +529 +516 with reg comp and Holy Whip


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Head Slot png
Neck Slot png
Torso Slot png
Legs Slot png
Boot Slot png
Cape Slot png
Shield Slot png
Gloves Slot png
Ring Slot png
Weapon Slot png

Other Bonuses

<tabbox Melee Strength>

Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Head Slot Serpentine Helm Serpentine Helm +5 75
Neck Slot Amulet of Torture Amulet of Torture +10 No stat requirements
Torso Slot Torva Platebody Torva Platebody +4 80 80
Legs Slot Torva Platelegs Torva Platelegs +2 80 80
Boots Slot Primordial Boots Primordial Boots (or Steadfast Boots) +5 75
Cape Slot Completionist Cape Completionist Cape (Anything but Chaos) +10 Requires completionist cape + 200m in all skills. Regular comp cape, max cape, fire cape, and skillcape (t) can be used as replacements, in that order
Shield Slot Dragon Defender Dragon Defender +6 60
Gloves Slot Barrows Gloves Barrows Gloves +12 34
Ring Slot Berserker Ring (i) Berserker Ring (i) +8 No stat requirements
Weapon Slot Unholy Whip Any whip except Chaos +101 70
2H Slot Armadyl Godsword Armadyl Godsword +132 75
TOTAL BONUS +163 +188 with AGS

<tabbox Range Strength>

Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Head Slot png
Neck Slot png
Torso Slot png
Legs Slot png
Boot Slot png
Cape Slot png
Shield Slot png
Gloves Slot png
Ring Slot png
Weapon Slot png

<tabbox Magic Damage Bonus>

Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Head Slot png
Neck Slot png
Torso Slot png
Legs Slot png
Boot Slot png
Cape Slot png
Shield Slot png
Gloves Slot png
Ring Slot png
Weapon Slot png

<tabbox Prayer Bonus>

Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Head Slot Saradomin Halo Any God Halo +30
Neck Slot Salve Amulet (e) Salve Amulet (e) +20
Torso Slot Torva Platebody Torva/Pernix/Virtus Top +6
Legs Slot Torva Platelegs Torva/Pernix/Virtus Bottoms +6
Boot Slot Bandos Boots Bandos Boots +1
Cape Slot Completionist Cape (Holy) Completionist Cape (Holy) +30
Shield Slot Unholy Book Any God Book +5
Gloves Slot Tormented Bracelet Tormented Bracelet +2
Ring Slot Ring of the Gods (i) Ring of the Gods (i) +8
Weapon Slot Unholy Whip Unholy Whip +25


Slot Image Item #### Bonus Notes
Head Slot png
Neck Slot png
Torso Slot png
Legs Slot png
Boot Slot png
Cape Slot png
Shield Slot png
Gloves Slot png
Ring Slot png
Weapon Slot png
guides/misc/highest_bonus_equipment.1568250934.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/12 01:15 by Iron adam