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Crystal Key & Chest Guide
Crystal Keys can be used on the Crystal Chest (located in Taverley), yielding a randomly generated set of items as a reward.
How to obtain a Crystal Key
Crystal Keys are formed when combining a 'loop half of key' with a 'tooth half of key'.
A complete Crystal Key, the 'loop half of key' and 'tooth half of key' are all possible drops from various monsters.
Monsters that drop the Crystal Key
Corporeal Beast (Rare). Nex (Rare). *NB: Rare drops are dropped approximately once every 20-50 kills.
Monsters that drop 'loop half of key'
> Black Demon (Very Rare). > Cyclops (Very Rare). > Hellhound (Very Rare). > Nechryael (Very Rare). > Troll (Very Rare). > Turoth (Very Rare). > Werewolf (Very Rare). Alternatively, they can be looted from the Crystal Chest (5% chance). *NB: Very Rare drops are dropped approximately once every 50-100 kills.
Monsters that drop 'tooth half of key'
> Black Demon (Very Rare). > Cyclops (Very Rare). > Hellhound (Very Rare). > Nechryael (Very Rare). > Troll (Very Rare). > Turoth (Very Rare). > Werewolf (Very Rare). Alternatively, they can be looted from the Crystal Chest (5% chance). *NB: Very Rare drops are dropped approximately once every 50-100 kills.
Honor: Item Spawn
Crystal Key: Item ID 989. 'tooth half of key': Item ID 985. 'loop half of key': Item ID 987.
Rewards from Crystal Chest: Drop Table & Drop Rates
Drop Table & Drop Rates have been quoted by Mike.
TIER 1: GUARANTEED > Uncut Dragonstone (1). > Pkhonor Points (10-30). > Coins (5M-25M). TIER 2: SKILLING SUPPLIES (5% chance) > 'loop half of key' (1). > 'tooth half of key' (1). > Coal (1000). > Iron Ore (2000). > Rune Ore (200). > Raw Shark (1000). > Raw Rocktails (200). > Magic Logs (1000). > Living Minerals (1000). > Impling Jars (1000). > Rune Essence (10000). > Gold Leaves (500). > Gold Bars (1000). > Mahogany Planks (500). > Mahogany Logs (1000). > Bonemeal (1000). > Clean Torstols (100). > Clean Snapdragons (200). > Clean Toadflax (200). > Torstol Seeds (20). > Snapdragon Seeds (50). > Toadflax Seeds (50). > Red Spiders' Eggs (500). > Bird's Nests (500). > Dragon Implings (25). > Kingly Implings (50). > Dragon Bones (100). TIER 3: RUNES (2.5% chance) > Air Runes (10000). > Water Runes (10000). > Earth Runes (10000). > Fire Runes (10000). TIER 4: RARE RUNES (1.25% chance) > Cosmic Runes (5000). > Astral Runes (5000). > Soul Runes (5000). > Nature Runes (5000). > Death Runes (5000). > Blood Runes (5000). > Chaos Runes (5000). > Law Runes (5000). TIER 5: GOD ARROWS (2% chance) > Guthix Arrows (25). > Saradomin Arrows (25). > Zamorak Arrows (25). TIER 6: RARES (1% chance) > Crystal Bow (1). > Crystal Shield (1). > Uncut Onyx (1).
Location of Crystal Chest & Directions
Location of Crystal Chest
Directions to Crystal Chest
Click the key.
guides/misc/crystal_key_chest.1558490762.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/22 02:06 by Dj church