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Server Commands


Sets your client size to 1280 x 720 pixels in resizable mode, useful for video capture


Sit down to show other players around you that you will be away for a short time. To stand up, simply click somewhere to walk.


Launch the forum to appeal a punishment


Tells you how many Bounty Hunter points you have.


Tells you how long until you can have your first Bork kill of the day bonus again.

::changepass <newpass>

Sets your password to <newpass>

::changepass lol987
Will change your password to 'lol987'

::checkreason <name>

Shows you the reason the player with name <name> was (ip)banned, (ip)muted or (ip)yellmuted.

::checkreason bob

::checktimeplayed <name>

Shows you the time the player with name <name> has spent playing PkHonor

::checktimeplayed bob
Shows you how long Bob has played PkHonor


Takes you to the chill room on the top floor of the party room. Beer and cake available!


Shows the Clans section on the Forums.


Opens an overview of all PkHonor commands on our wiki.


Shows the amount of donator credits you currently have.


Shows you the amount of time left for your curses to wear off (only if you have ancient curses as your current prayer book).


Shows you how many players there are currently playing Castle Wars.


Opens the PkHonor Discord channel.


Opens the site page with all information regarding donating


Teleports you to the donator place (only donators and premium members can use this command)


Tells you the highest tier Bounty Hunter emblem you currently have on your account.


Drops your entire inventory on the floor. This is mostly useful for skillers. You can pick anything back up after you used this command.


Teleport to (one of) the currently active event(s), if any.


Show an overview of all ongoing and planned events.


Opens the PkHonor Facebook page.


Makes you fart. Only premium members can use this. Only use this outdoor please, we don't want people to be bothered by the smell.


Launches your browser and opens the forums.


Opens the forums page containing all the PkHonor guides. This can be extremely helpful and saves you from having to ask a lot of questions to other players.

::hail <name>

Bow down and hail player with name <name>.
Admins+ can use this command on its own (with ::hail) to make others bow down before them.

Do not abuse, it is a command used for humor purposes only ;-)


Using this command will disable automatic hitpoint restoration (normally you restore 1 hitpoint per minute). This can be useful when using Dharok's gear where you want your hitpoints to be as low as possible. Use the command again to enable the automatic hitpoints restoration again.


Join the PkHonor Clan Channel where you can freely ask questions to other players and staff.
Use this command again to specifically ask a staff member for help.

::helpme <message>

Send a help request with message <message> to our staff.
Please be specific.


Opens the PkHonor highscores in your browser.


Teleports you home. This command is to be used if you are in level 20+ wilderness where you can otherwise not teleport out.
This teleport will take 2 minutes and will be interrupted by combat (so you cannot use it to escape a fight).


See the ID of items, objects, NPC's and buttons when hovering over them with the mouse. Useful for spawning.


Say wut?


Shows you the damage summary of your last death if you died in PvP.


Shows your current PK'ing leaderboard rank, if any.


Shows the amount of players participating in Last Man Standing.


Shows the amount of LMS points a player has.


Locks your experience, after you used this, you will not gain any more experience in any skill. Use ::unlock to unlock again.


Locks your attack skill. After you used this, you will not gain any more experience in attack. Use ::unlockatt to unlock again.

This command does exactly the same as ::maxatt 1


Locks your defence skill. After you used this, you will not gain any more experience in defence. Use ::unlockdef to unlock again.

This command does exactly the same as ::maxdef 1


Shows more information about the current lottery pot.

::love <message>

Yells 'I love <message>!'.


Shows how many LootShare Points you have. If you are in a clan which has LootShare enabled and your rank within the clan is high enough to use LootShare, you will be able to benefit from the LootShare system.

Whenever your clan kills a monster and that monster drops an item, the person with the highest LootShare Points within the clan will receive the item drop. All the other nearby clan members will have their LootShare Points increased by the value of this item divided by the amount of nearby clan members. The person who receives the item drop will have their LootShare Points reduced by the item's value.

For example, if a monster drops an item worth 100M coins and there are 6 clan members with each 0 LootShare Points, 1 clan member will receive the item, that person will then have -100M LSP and the other 5 players will have 20M LSP each. In this case, since everyone has the same LSP, the game will randomly decide who gets the drop.

Note: the Ring of Wealth will have no effect whatsoever when in a clan with LootShare enabled and in multi-combat. However, the Whip of Fortune will help to increase the chance that your clan (as a whole) gets a drop from this monster.


Sends an in-game personal message with text <message> to the player with name <name>.

::map <x> <y> <h>

Launches the PkHonor map in your browser. If no parameters are supplied, shows your current location. If the parameter is text, searches for the name.

::maxatt <maxlevel>

Makes sure you cannot train your attack level past level <maxlevel>.
::maxatt 1 does the same as ::lockatt
::maxatt 99 does the same as ::unlockatt

::maxatt 20
Will make sure you cannot train your attack level past 20.

::maxdef <maxlevel>

Makes sure you cannot train your defence level past level <maxlevel>.
::maxdef 1 does the same as ::lockdef.
::maxdef 99 does the same as ::unlockdef

::maxdef 20
Makes sure you cannot train your defence level past 20.


If you're muted, rings a bell to let other players around you know you're muted.


Shows you how many Bounty Hunter points you currently have.


Shows you how many pest control points you currently have.


Shows you how many PkHonor points you currently have.


Shows your current location in the world.


Shows your current location and map region in the world.


Launches your browser and opens the form to create a new forums Personal Message.


Can only be used by donator+
Shows a dialog with all items. Select any item of the list, then enter any price to suggest a new price for this item.
Your suggestion will then either be approved or rejected by our staff members. You will not be notified when it is accepted or rejected, but you will notice if a price changed if you use ::prices and check for the item price again later on.


Shows the amount of players inside Nex's Ancient Prison.


Shows the amount of players inside the Nightmare's dream.


Shows you how many players there are currently fighting the Nightmare of Ashihama.


Teleport to the party room and participate in a drop party (if any).


Shows the amount of people currently playing Pest Control.


Tells you how much longer your current Bounty Hunter penalty is (if any).


Shows the amount of people currently in the Tzhaar fight pits.


Shows you the amount of people currently playing PkHonor.


Launches your browser and opens your last received Personal Message on the forums.


Opens a list of all ingame items. Type (part of) the item name to filter the list and click on the approriate item in the list
(or hit the 'enter' key if the item is at the top of the list). Once you selected the item, you will be given its current price range.
May differ from the reality, but it should give you a rough idea of the price at least.
If you think a price is wrong, use ::newprice (or ::np) to suggest a new price for an item (donator+ only).

::private <name>

Invites the player with name <name> for a private chat in a remote location where nobody will be able to bother you (not even staff).

Example: say your username is Mike and you use ::private bob, you will invite Bob for a private chat. After Bob has also used ::private mike to confirm the invitation, both players will be teleported to the remote location.


Gain level 99 in any combat skill. This can be used up to 3 times for 3 different skills.
::pure att will set your attack level on 99
::pure str will set your strength level on 99
::pure def will set your defence level on 99
::pure mage will set your magic level on 99
::pure range will set your ranged level on 99


Shows the top 10 players of the current PvM event


Shows your kill to death ratio in the wilderness. A good command to show how strong you are!


Launches your browser and opens the Account Recovery subforum.


Red skull yourself, similar to when you attack a player first in the wilderness but without possibility to use the protect item prayer.
Use this if you want to fight another player who is red skulled, for a fair fight where both players risk the same items.


Launches your browser and opens the refunds forum.
This only applies to in-game item refunds due to bugs or glitches, not refunds on donator credits.


Launches your browser and opens the Report a Player forum.


Resets your barrows killcount incase something is wrong with it (this should normally never occur).


Resets your defence level to 1. This command is free and will also lock your defence level, so you cannot gain XP in that skill. Use ::unlockdef (or ::maxdef 99) to unlock again.
You cannot use this command while wearing equipment.


Makes you sit down so you can recover your run energy at 3x the normal speed.


Shows you how long until the next server restart. No worries, a restart simply means that the server will be offline
for a few seconds because of an update.


Shows you the PkHonor rules


Opens your screenshots directory in explorer


Takes a screenshot of your client. Does the same as the Print Screen button on your keyboard.

::setlevel <skill> <level>

Set your skill <skill> to level <level>. This costs 250M coins for combat skills and 2.147B (2,147,000,000) coins for non-combat skills. Lowering any skill is free.

Warning: this action cannot be reversed!

::setlevel 5 99
will set your prayer level to 99.

Possible values for <skill>: any value between 0 and 23:

0 = attack
1 = defence
2 = strength
3 = hitpoints
4 = range
5 = prayer
6 = magic
7 = cooking
8 = woodcutting
9 = fletching
10 = fishing
11 = firemaking
12 = crafting
13 = smithing
14 = mining
15 = herblore
16 = agility
17 = thieving
18 = slayer
19 = farming
20 = runecrafting
21 = construction
22 = hunter
23 = summoning

Possible values for <level>: any value between 1 and 99.


Opens a screen where you can change various personalized settings in your client.


Teleports you Edgeville where you can find various shops


Teleports you to our skilling center and notifies our staff members that you entered there. There are often other players in the helpcenter
who can answer your questions.


Skull yourself (similar to when you attack a player first in the wilderness).
Use this if you want to fight another player who is skulled, for a fair fight where both players risk the same items.


Check how long you're skulled for.


Shows you how many slayer points you currently have.


Shows you a list of all online staff members


Shows your current killstreak in the wilderness, as well as your Bounty Hunter target killstreak.


Shows your most recent Bounty Hunter targets.


Tells you how much longer you're teleblocked for (if at all).

::thread <threadid>
::topic <threadid>

Opens the forums page with thread number <threadid>. Your thread id can be found in the address bar of your browser,<threadid>.

::thread 10
Will open the forums thread 'How to post a donation problem or refund request' (this has the address


Shows you how long you have been playing PkHonor so far


Only to be used in the Tzhaar Fight Caves, this shows you what wave you are currently at, and how many are left to go.


Unlocks your experience (after you used ::lock to lock it), so you can then gain experience in all skills again.


Unlocks your attack skill (after you used ::lockatt to lock it), so you can then gain experience in attack again.

This command does exactly the same as ::maxatt 99


Unlocks your defence skill (after you used ::lockdef to lock it), so you can gain experience in defence again.

This command does exactly the same as ::maxdef 99


Teleports you to the middle of the fight caves in case you get stuck there. Should never happen, but you never know.


Gives you the details of the next server update, if any.


This does the same as the vote button on the top of the client, is mostly used by those who play on the webclient, since they have no 'vote' button there.


Shows you how many vote points you currently have


Shows your estimated estimated wealth at the time of your last login. Relog to refresh the number.

::wiki <search_term>

Opens the PkHonor wiki in your browser and searches for your search term (if you provided any).

Will open
::wiki voting
Will open

::xteleto <name>

If a staff member with name <name> has invited you to teleport to their current location, use this command to accept the invitation.

Example: moderator Bob has invited you to teleport to their current position because he wishes to show you something.
Use ::xteleto bob to accept this invitation.

::yell <message>

Shows the message <message> to every person on PkHonor. This can only be used by donators, premium members, honor players and staff members.

You can also yell in colour (see


Opens the PkHonor YouTube channel.

commands/player.txt · Last modified: 2025/03/14 02:00 by